Journal Articles - 30 |
2022 |
Wise, S. A., Rodgers, R. P., Reddy, C. M., Nelson, R. K., Kujawinski, E. B., Wade, T. L., et al. (2022). Advances in Chemical Analysis of Oil Spills Since the Deepwater Horizon Disaster. Critical Reviews in Analytical Chemistry, .
2020 |
Ward, C., Reddy, C., & Overton, E. (2020). Why Sunlight Matters for Marine Oil Spills. Eos, 101.
2019 |
Ward, C. P., Sharpless, C. M., Valentine, D. L., Aeppli, C., Sutherland, K. M., Wankel, S. D., et al. (2019). Oxygen Isotopes (δ18O) Trace Photochemical Hydrocarbon Oxidation at the Sea Surface. Geophys. Res. Lett., 46(12), 6745–6754.
2018 |
Aeppli, C., Swarthout, R. F., O'Neil, G. W., Katz, S. D., Nabi, D., Ward, C. P., et al. (2018). How Persistent and Bioavailable Are Oxygenated Deepwater Horizon Oil Transformation Products? Environmental Science & Technology, 52(13), 7250–7258.
Bostic, J. T., Aeppli, C., Swarthout, R. F., Reddy, C. M., & Ziolkowski, L. A. (2018). Ongoing biodegradation of Deepwater Horizon oil in beach sands: Insights from tracing petroleum carbon into microbial biomass. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 126, 130–136.
Ward, C. P., Armstrong, C. J., Conmy, R. N., French-McCay, D. P., & Nelson, R. K., Carmichael, C.A., Reddy, C.M., Aeppli, C., Kellerman, M.Y., Valentine, D.L. (2018). Photochemical Oxidation of Oil Reduced the Effectiveness of Aerial Dispersants Applied in Response to the_Deepwater Horizon Spill. Environ. Sci. Technol. Lett., 5(5), 226–231.
Ward, C. P., Sharpless, C. M., Valentine, D. L., French-McCay, D. P., Aeppli, C., White, H. K., et al. (2018). Partial Photochemical Oxidation Was a Dominant Fate of_Deepwater Horizon Surface Oil. Environ. Sci. Technol., 52(4), 1797–1805.
2017 |
Gros, J., Socolofsky, S. A., Dissanayake, A. L., Jun, I., Zhao, L., Boufadel, M. C., et al. (2017). Petroleum dynamics in the sea and influence of subsea dispersant injection during Deepwater Horizon. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 114(38), 10065–10070.
2016 |
Beaudoin, D. J., Carmichael, C. A., Nelson, R. K., Reddy, C. M., Teske, A. P., & Edgcomb, V. P. (2016). Impact of protists on a hydrocarbon-degrading bacterial community from deep-sea Gulf of Mexico sediments: A microcosm study. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 129, 350–359.
Gros, J., Reddy, C. M., Nelson, R. K., Socolofsky, S. A., & Arey, J. S. (2016). Simulating Gas-Liquid-Water Partitioning and Fluid Properties of Petroleum under Pressure: Implications for Deep-Sea Blowouts. Environ. Sci. Technol., 50(14), 7397–7408.
Tarr, M. A., Zito, P., Ray P.Z., Overton, E. B., Olson G.M., Adhikari, P. L., et al. (2016). Weathering of oil spilled in the marine environment. Oceanog, 29(3), 126–135.
White, H. K., Conmy, R. N., MacDonald, I. R., & Reddy, C. M. (2016). Methods of Oil Detection in response to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Oceanog, 29(3), 76–87.
White, H. K., Wang, C. H., Williams, P. L., Findley, D. M., Thurston, A. M., Simister, R. L., et al. (2016). Long-term weathering and continued oxidation of oil residues from the Deepwater Horizon spill. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 113(1-2), 380–386.
2015 |
Koolen, H. H. F., Swarthout, R. F., Nelson, R. K., Chen, H., Krajewski, L. C., Aeppli, C., et al. (2015). Unprecedented Insights into the Chemical Complexity of Coal Tar from Comprehensive Two-Dimensional Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry and Direct Infusion Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometry. Energy Fuels, 29(2), 641–648.
2014 |
Aeppli, C., Nelson, R. K., Carmichael, C. A., Valentine, D. L., & Reddy, C. M. (2014). Biotic and abiotic oil degradation after the Deepwater Horizon disaster leads to formation of recalcitrant oxygenated hydrocarbons: New insights using GCxGC. International Oil Spill Conference Proceedings, 2014(1), 1087–1098.
Aeppli, C., Nelson, R. K., Radovic, J. R., Carmichael, C. A., Valentine, D. L., & Reddy, C. M. (2014). Recalcitrance and Degradation of Petroleum Biomarkers upon Abiotic and Biotic Natural Weathering ofDeepwater HorizonOil. Environ. Sci. Technol., 48(12), 6726–6734.
Gros, J., Reddy, C. M., Aeppli, C., Nelson, R. K., Carmichael, C. A., & Arey, J. S. (2014). Resolving Biodegradation Patterns of Persistent Saturated Hydrocarbons in Weathered Oil Samples from the Deepwater Horizon Disaster. Environ. Sci. Technol., 43(3), 1628–1637.
Gros, J. J., Nabi, D., Wurz, B., Wick, L. Y., Brussard, C. P. D., Huisman, J., et al. (2014). First Day of an Oil Spill on the Open Sea: Early Mass Transfers of Hydrocarbons to Air and Water. Environ. Sci. Technol., 48(16), 9400–9411.
Lemkau, K. L., McKenna, A. M., Podgorski, D. C., Rodgers, R. P., & Reddy, C. M. (2014). Molecular Evidence of Heavy-Oil Weathering Following the M/VCosco BusanSpill: Insights from Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometry. Environ. Sci. Technol., 48(7), 3760–3767.
McKenna, A. M., Williams, J. T., Putman, J. C., Aeppli, C., Reddy, C. M., Valentine, D. L., et al. (2014). Unprecedented Ultrahigh Resolution FT-ICR Mass Spectrometry and Parts-Per-Billion Mass Accuracy Enable Direct Characterization of Nickel and Vanadyl Porphyrins in Petroleum from Natural Seeps. Energy Fuels, 28(4), 2454–2464.
McKenna, A. M., Williams, J. T., Putman, J. C., Aeppli, C. M., Reddy, C. M., Valentine, D. L., et al. (2014). Biodegradation at the Seafloor: Ultrahigh Resolution FT-ICR Mass Spectral Characterization of Natural Petroleum Seeps. International Oil Spill Conference Proceedings, 2014(1), 2083–2097.
Radovic, J. R., Aeppli, C., Nelson, R. K., Jimenez, N., Reddy, C. M., Bayona, J. M., et al. (2014). Assessment of photochemical processes in marine oil spill fingerprinting. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 79(1-2), 268–277.
Ruddy, B. M., Huettel, M., Kostka, J. E., Lobodin, V. V., Bythell, B. J., McKenna, A. M., et al. (2014). Targeted Petroleomics: Analytical Investigation of Macondo Well Oil Oxidation Products from Pensacola Beach. Energy Fuels, 28(6), 4043–4050.
2013 |
Aeppli, C., Reddy, C. M., Nelson, R. K., Kellermann, M. Y., & Valentine, D. L. (2013). Recurrent Oil Sheens at the Deepwater Horizon Disaster Site Fingerprinted with Synthetic Hydrocarbon Drilling Fluids. Environ. Sci. Technol., 47(15), 8211–8219.
Corilo, Y. E., Podgorski, D. C., McKenna, A. M., Lemkau, K. L., Reddy, C. M., Marshall, A. G., et al. (2013). Oil Spill Source Identification by Principal Component Analysis of Electrospray Ionization Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectra. Anal. Chem., 85(19), 9064–9069.
Hall, G. J., Frysinger, G. S., Aeppli, C., Carmichael, C. A., Gros, J., Lemkau, K. L., et al. (2013). Oxygenated weathering products of Deepwater Horizon oil come from surprising precursors. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 75(1-2), 140–149.
McKenna, A. M., Nelson, R. K., Reddy, C. M., Savory, J. J., Kaiser, N. K., Fitzsimmons, J. E., et al. (2013). Expansion of the Analytical Window for Oil Spill Characterization by Ultrahigh Resolution Mass Spectrometry: Beyond Gas Chromatography. Environ. Sci. Technol., 47(13), 7530–7539.
White, H. K., Xu, L., Hartmann, P., Quinn, J. G., & Reddy, C. M. (2013). Unresolved Complex Mixture (UCM) in Coastal Environments Is Derived from Fossil Sources. Environ. Sci. Technol., 47(2), 726–731.
2012 |
Aeppli, C., Carmichael, C. A., Nelson, R. K., Lemkau, K. L., Graham, W. M., Redmond, M. C., et al. (2012). Oil weathering after the Deepwater Horizon disaster led to the formation of oxygenated residues. Environmental Science & Technology, 46(16), 8799–8807.
Camilli, R., Bowen, A., Reddy, C. M., Seewald, J. S., & Yoerger, D. R. (2012). When Scientific Research and Legal Practice Collide. Science, 337(6102), 1608–1609.
Book Chapter - 1 |
2015 |
Eiserbeck, C., Nelson, R. K., Reddy, C. M., & Grice, K. (2015). Advances in Comprehensive Two-Dimensional Gas Chromatography (GCxGC). In Principles and Practice of Analytical Techniques in Geosciences (pp. 324–365).
Conference Presentations - 111 |
2019 |
Radovic, J., Jaggi, A., Lincoln, S., Romero, I. C., Nelson, R., Schwing, P. T., et al. (2019). Comprehensive Analytical Approaches to Spill Characterization: Case Studies and Examples. In 2019 Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill and Ecosystem Sciences Conference. New Orleans, LA : 02/04/19-02/07/19.
Reddy, C., & Nelson, R. K. (2019). The usage of comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography following the Deepwater Horizon disaster. In 2019 Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill and Ecosystem Sciences Conference. New Orleans, LA : 02/04/19-02/07/19.
2018 |
Armstrong, C. J., Ward, C. P., & Reddy, C. M. (2018). Photochemical oxidation reduces the efficacy of chemical dispersants applied in response to oil spills. In 255th ACS National Meeting & Exposition. New Orleans, LA : 03/18/18-03/22/18: Poster.
Reddy, C. M., & Ward, C. P. (2018). The production of spillphatenes following the 2010 Deepwater Horizon disaster. In 255th ACS National Meeting & Exposition. New Orleans, LA : 03/18/18-03/22/18.
Sharpless, C. M., & Reddy, C. M. (2018). Apparent Quantum Yields of Singlet Oxygen and Photochemical Oxygen Consumption for Crude Oils. In 255th ACS National Meeting & Exposition. New Orleans, LA : 03/18/18-03/22/18: Poster.
Ward, C. P., Armstrong, C. J., French-McCay, D. P., Conmy, R., & Reddy, C. M. (2018). Photochemical oxidation reduces the efficacy of aerial dispersants applied in response to oil spills. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2018. New Orleans, LA : 02/05/18-02/08/18.
Ward, C. P., Reddy, C. M., & Cory, R. M. (2018). Evaluating the magnitude of partial photo-oxidation of organic carbon in sunlit surface waters. In 255th ACS National Meeting & Exposition. New Orleans, LA : 03/18/18-03/22/18.
Ward, C. P., Sharpless, C. M., Aeppli, C., Valentine, D. L., French-McCay, D. P., White, H., et al. (2018). Partial photochemical oxidation was a dominant fate of Deepwater Horizon surface oil. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2018. New Orleans, LA : 02/05/18-02/08/18.
2017 |
Gros, J., Socolofsky, S. A., Dissanayake, A. L., Jun, I., Zhao, L., Boufadel, M. C., et al. (2017). Detailed modeling of the dynamic behavior of petroleum in the sea during the Deepwater Horizon accident. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2017. New Orleans, LA : 02/06/17-02/09/17.
Lemkau, K., Aeppli, C., Carmichael, C., Reddy, C., Swarthout, R., & White, H. (2017). Lessons Learned from Hurricane Isaac, 2012: False Positives and Weathering of Oil from the Deepwater Horizon spill. In Goldschmidt 2017. Paris, France : 08/13/17-08/18/17.
Overton, E., & Reddy, C. M. (2017). Understanding what happens to the composition of crude oils spilled in marine environments. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2017. New Orleans, LA : 02/06/17-02/09/17.
Reddy, C. (2017). When a naval officer emails for help on how to sink a ship. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2017. New Orleans, LA : 02/06/17-02/09/17.
Reddy, C., Gosselin, K., Nelson, R., Sylva, S., Aeppli, C., Sharpless, C., et al. (2017). A Biogenic Input of Heptadecane in Surface Waters Prior to and during the Anthropocene. In Goldschmidt 2017. Paris, France : 08/13/17-08/18/17.
Reddy, C. M. (2017). Am I wrong or should more work be done on the formation of oxygenated hydrocarbons? In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2017. New Orleans, LA : 02/06/17-02/09/17.
Ward, C. P., & Reddy, C. M. (2017). Assessing the contribution of photochemical processes to the formation of oxidized hydrocarbons following the Deepwater Horizon oil spill: Insights from preliminary laboratory experiments. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2017. New Orleans, LA : 02/06/17-02/09/17.
Ward, C. P., & Reddy, C. M. (2017). Characterizing the role of photochemical processes in the oxidation of hydrocarbons released during the Deepwater Horizon disaster. In 253rd American Chemical Society National Meeting & Exposition. San Francisco, CA : 04/02/17-04/06/17.
2016 |
Aeppli, C., Prince, R., Radovic, J., & Reddy, C. (2016). Prevalence of oxygenated hydrocarbon as oil degradation products after oil spills. In Ocean Sciences Meeting 2016. New Orleans. LA : 02/21/16-02/26/16: Poster.
Arey, J. S., Gros, J., Socolofsky, S., Dissanayake, A., Jun, I., Nelson, R., et al. (2016). Computer simulation of the buoyant ascent and liquid-gas-water repartitioning of petroleum hydrocarbons in the deep water column during the Deepwater Horizon disaster. In 251st American Chemical Society National Meeting & Exposition. San Diego, CA : 03/13/16-03/17/16.
Chen, H., Aeppli, C., Valentine, D. L., Nelson, R. K., Reddy, C. M., Kellerman, M., et al. (2016). Natural seeps versus human spill: Characterization and comparison of DWH weathered oil with natural petroleum seeps by ultrahigh resolution FT-ICR mass spectrometry. In Ocean Sciences Meeting 2016. New Orleans. LA : 02/21/16-02/26/16: Poster.
Green, H. S., Fuller, S. A., Meyer, A. W., Joyce, P., Aeppli, C., Nelson, R. K., et al. (2016). Tar balls collected in the North Atlantic over the past two decades vary substantially. In 2016 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. San Francisco, CA : 12/12/16-12/16/16: Poster.
Gros, J., Reddy, C. M., Nelson, R. K., Socolofsky, S. A., & Arey, J. S. (2016). Thermodynamic modeling of gas-liquid-water partitioning and fluid properties for Macondo reservoir fluid at deep-water conditions. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2016. Tampa, FL : 02/01/16-02/04/16.
Gros, J., Socolofsky, S. A., Dissanayake, A. L., Jun, I., Boufadel, M. C., Zhao, L., et al. (2016). Simulating the aqueous dissolution of petroleum emitted into the Gulf of Mexico during the 2010 Deepwater Horizon disaster. In Gordon Research Conference – Opportunities for Aquatic Sciences to Impact a Changing World. Holderness, NH : 06/26/16-07/01/16: Poster.
Gros, J., Socolofsky, S. A., Dissanayake, A. L., Jun, I., Zhao, L., Boufadel, M. C., et al. (2016). Detailed modeling of the dynamic behavior of petroleum in the sea during the Deepwater Horizon accident. In 2nd Symposium on Deep-Sea Oil Spills. Hamburg, Germany : 09/19/16-09/20/16.
Nelson, R. K., & Reddy, C. M. (2016). Petroleum Analysis and Fingerprinting Using Comprehensive Two-dimensional Gas Chromatography (GCxGC). In 19th Australian Organic Geochemistry Conference. Fremantle, Australia : 12/04/16-12/07/16: Poster.
Reddy, C. (2016). The Anthropocene. In 2016 GRC on Organic Geochemistry. Holderness, NH : 07/23/16-07/28/16.
Rodgers, R. P., Reddy, C. M., & Aeppli, C. A. (2016). The state-of-the-art unraveling of the biotic and abiotic chemical evolution of Macondo Oil: 2010-2018. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2016. Tampa, FL : 02/01/16-02/04/16: Poster.
Sharpless, C., Stewart, O., Walters, M., Swarthout, R., Aeppli, C., & Reddy, C. (2016). Comparison of photooxidation rates and patterns in glass- and water-based oil slick experiments with daily weathering observed in the Gulf of Mexico. In 251th American Chemical Society National Meeting. San Diego, CA : 03/13/16-03/17/16.
Sharpless, C. M., Stewart, O. C., Walters, M., Swarthout, R. F., Aeppli, C., Valentine, D. L., et al. (2016). Comparison of experimental photooxidation rates and patterns in glass- and water-based oil slicks with daily weathering observed in the Gulf of Mexico. In Ocean Sciences Meeting 2016. New Orleans. LA : 02/21/16-02/26/16: Poster.
2015 |
Gros, J., Nelson, R. K., Reddy, C. M., Socolofsky, S. A., & Arey, J. S. (2015). Predicting The State And Properties Of Deepwater Horizon Oil Under Pressure Using The Peng-Robinson Equation Of State. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2015. Houston, TX : 02/16/15-02/19/15: Poster.
Gros, J., Reddy, C. M., Socolofsky, S. A., & Arey, J. S. (2015). Validating formulas for the prediction of ascent speed and mass transfer coefficient for liquid oil droplets and gas bubbles under pressure. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2015. Houston, TX : 02/16/15-02/19/15: Poster.
Krajewski, L., Chen, H., Corilo, Y. E., Rodgers, R. P., Reddy, C. M., Lemkau, K., et al. (2015). Compositional Comparison of Weathering Trends for Four Different Spills Reveal the Unique Chemical Signature of Deepwater Horizon Oil Contamination. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2015. Houston, TX : 02/16/15-02/19/15.
Krajewski, L. C., Chen, H., Rodgers, R. P., Reddy, C. M., Lemkau, K. T., Aeppli, C., et al. (2015). Compositional Comparison of Weathering Trends for Four Different Oil Spills Determined by Ultrahigh Resolution FT-ICR Mass Spectrometry. In 63rd ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics. St. Louis, MO : 05/31/15-06/04/15.
Marshall, A. G., Corilo, Y. E., Lobodin, V. V., Krajewski, L. C., Aeppli, C., Reddy, C. M., et al. (2015). Anatomy of an Oil Spill and its Subsequent Chemical Evolution by Ultrahigh-Resolution Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometry. In EnviroAnalysis 2015. Banff, Canada : 07/12/15-07/15/15.
McKenna, A. M., Chen, H., Krajewski, L., Corilo, Y. E., Aeppli, C., Reynolds, J., et al. (2015). Molecular-level identification of metal-containing compounds from oil contamination released from natural seeps and anthropogenic spill. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2015. Houston, TX : 02/16/15-02/19/15.
McKenna, A. M., Chen, H., Krajewski, L., Corilo, Y. E., Aeppli, C., Reynolds, J., et al. (2015). Oil-Dispersants-Sediment Interactions and Weathering/Degradation of Spilled Oil in Gulf of Mexico Ecosystems. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2015. Houston, TX : 02/16/15-02/19/15.
Nelson, R. K., Swarthout, R., Koolen, H., & Reddy, C. M. (2015). GCxGC comparison of Deepwater Horizon crude and Kirby intermediate fuel oil (IFO). In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2015. Houston, TX : 02/16/15-02/19/15: Poster.
Reddy, C., Nelson, R., Koolen, H., Swarthout, R., Aeppli, C., Sharpless, C., et al. (2015). The Oxidation of Macondo well oil: An update and vision. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2015. Houston, TX : 02/16/15-02/19/15.
Socolofsky, S. A., Dissanayake, A. L., Jun, I., Gros, J., Arey, J. S., & Reddy, C. M. (2015). Texas A&M Oilspill Calculator (TAMOC) Modeling Suite for Subsea Spills. In 38th AMOP Technical Seminar on Environmental Contamination and Response. Vancouver, Canada : 06/02/15-06/04/15.
2014 |
Aeppli, C., Nelson, R. K., Carmichael, C. A., Valentine, D. L., & Reddy, C. M. (2014). Formation of recalcitrant oxygenated hydrocarbons by natural weathering after the Deepwater Horizon disaster. In 2014 International Oil Spill Conference. Savannah, GA : 05/05/14-05/08/14.
Aeppli, C., Nelson, R. K., Kinnaman, F. S., Valentine, D. L., & Reddy, C. M. (2014). Identification of microbial and abiotic degradation of Macondo Well oil at the sea surface and on beaches. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2014. Mobile, AL: 01/26/14-01/30/14.
Carmichael, C. A., Nelson, R. K., Aeppli, C., & Reddy, C. M. (2014). Building a comprehensive sample repository to track the long-term impacts of the Macondo well oil spill: An opportunity to engage Citizen Scientists. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2014. Mobile, AL: 01/26/14-01/30/14: Poster.
Gros, J., Reddy, C. M., Aeppli, C., Nelson, R. K., Carmichael, C. A., & Arey, J. S. (2014). A new biodegradation index for weathered oils based on saturated hydrocarbons: insights from the Deepwater Horizon disaster. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2014. Mobile, AL: 01/26/14-01/30/14: Poster.
Gros, J., Arey, J. S.;R., C. M, Aeppli, C., Nelson, R. K., & Carmichael, C. A. (2014). Developing a new saturates biodegradation index for weathered oils, based on samples from the Deepwater Horizon disaster. In Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) Europe – 2014 24th Annual Meeting. Basel, Switzerland: 05/12/14-05/15/14: Poster.
Irvine, G. V., Mann, D. H., Carls, M., Reddy, C. M., Nelson, R. K., & Aeppli, C. (2014). Slightly weathered oil from the Exxon Valdez spill persists on rocky Gulf of Alaska shores after 23 years. In Alaska Marine Science Symposium. Anchorage, AL - 01/21/14.
James, B. D., Reddy, C. M., Aeppli, C., Carmichael, C. A., & Nelson, R. K. (2014). Variability in the hydrocarbon composition of oil films on rocks along the Gulf coast. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2014. Mobile, AL: 01/26/14-01/30/14: Poster.
Kellerman, M. Y., Redmond, M. C., Reddy, C. M., Aeppli, C., Nelson, R. K., & Valentine, D. L. (2014). Oil sheen weathering post-Deepwater Horizon. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2014. Mobile, AL: 01/26/14-01/30/14: Poster.
Kellermann, M. Y., Lemkau, K. L., Reddy, C. M., Aeppli, C., Nelson, R. K., & Valentine, D. L. (2014). Chasing early chemical changes in surface oil slicks. In Goldschmidt 2014 Conference. Sacramento, CA : 06/08/14-06/13/14: Poster.
Lemkau, K. L., Arey, J. S., Nelson, R. K., & Reddy, C. M. (2014). Modelling the effects of evaporation and dissolution for a heavy fuel oil: the M/V Cosco Busan spill. In 2014 International Oil Spill Conference. Savannah, GA : 05/05/14-05/08/14: Poster.
Lemkau, K. L., McKenna, A. M., Podgorski, D. C., Rodgers, R. P., Kujawinski, E. B., & Reddy, C. M. (2014). Molecular evidence of heavy oil degradation following the M/V Cosco Busan spill. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2014. Mobile, AL: 01/26/14-01/30/14: Poster.
MacDonald, I. R., Garcia-Pineda, O., Silva, M., Johansen, C., Reddy, C., & Shedd, W. (2014). Post-Accident Discharge Forensics at the Deepwater Horizon Site, Gulf of Mexico. In Gas in Marine Sediments – 12th International Conference. Taipei, Taiwan : 9/1/14-9/6/14.
McKenna, A. M., Chen, H., Lemkau, K. T., Nelson, R. K., Valentine, D., Reddy, C. M., et al. (2014). Biodegradation at the Seafloor: Ultrahigh Resolution FT-ICR Mass Spectral Characterization of Natural Petroleum Seeps in the Gulf of Mexico. In 2014 International Oil Spill Conference. Savannah, GA : 05/05/14-05/08/14.
Nelson, R. K., Aeppli, C., Carmichael, C. A., & Reddy, C. M. (2014). High resolution forensic analysis of surface sheens helps pinpoint source of oil leakage from the Deepwater Horizon. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2014. Mobile, AL: 01/26/14-01/30/14: Poster.
Nelson, R. K., Aeppli, C., & Reddy, C. M. (2014). High resolution forensic analysis of surface sheens helps pinpoint source of oil leakage from the Deepwater Horizon. In 2014 International Oil Spill Conference. Savannah, GA : 05/05/14-05/08/14: Poster.
Prince, R. C., Butler, J., Nelson, R. K., Reddy, C. M., & Aeppli, C. (2014). NEBA of dispersant use should consider persistent residues formed by competing weathering processes. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2014. Mobile, AL: 01/26/14-01/30/14: Poster.
Reddy, C. M. (2014). Oil sheen weathering post-Deepwater Horizon. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2014. Mobile, AL: 01/26/14-01/30/14.
Reddy, C. M. (2014). An Education at Elmer's Island: How I spent $2K on CAT scans. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2014. Mobile, AL: 01/26/14-01/30/14.
Reddy, C. M. (2014). Standard reference materials for oil spill research. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2014. Mobile, AL: 01/26/14-01/30/14.
Reddy, C. M., & Aeppli, C. (2014). Oil spill fingerprinting: Now and the future. In U.S. Coast Guard's National Pollution Funds Center (NPFC). Arlington, VA : 8/27/2014.
Worton, D. R., Zhang, H., Aeppli, C., Reddy, C. M., Gouw, J.,, Wilson, K. R., et al. (2014). Comprehensive characterization of the formerly 'Unresolved Complex Mixture' reveals evolution of chemical composition during weathering of crude oil in the Gulf Of Mexico. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2014. Mobile, AL: 01/26/14-01/30/14: Poster.
2013 |
Aeppli C., Nelson, R. K., Carmichael, C. A., Arakawa N., Aluwihare, L. I., Valentine, D. L., et al. (2013). Characterization of recalcitrant oxygenated hydrocarbons formed upon oil weathering after the Deepwater Horizon disaster. In American Chemical Society National Meeting & Exposition. New Orleans, LA, April 10, 2013.
Aeppli, C. A., Carmichael, C. A., Nelson, R. K., Valentine, D. L., Arakawa, N., Aluwihare, L. I., et al. (2013). Characterization of oxygenated hydrocarbons formed upon oil weathering after the Deepwater Horizon disaster. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2013. New Orleans, LA: 01/21/2013-01/23/2013.
Aeppli, C. A., Kellermann, M., Valentine, D. L., Lorenson, T. D., Nelson, R. K., & Reddy, C. M. (2013). Oil spill vs. natural seepage: Contrasting weathering characteristics of oil from the Macondo well and Southern California oil seeps. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2013. New Orleans, LA: 01/21/2013-01/23/2013: Poster.
Carmichael, C. A., James, B. D., Aeppli, C., Nelson, R. K., Murphy, E., Radovic, J., et al. (2013). Variability in oiled sand-patties collected: How different are samples collected within meters on a beach? In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2013. New Orleans, LA: 01/21/2013-01/23/2013: Poster.
Corilo, Y. E., Podgorski, D. C., McKenna, A. M., Marshall, A. G., Lemkau, K. L., Reddy, C. M., et al. (2013). Oil Spill Source Identification by Principal Component Analysis of Electrospray Ionization Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectra. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2013. New Orleans, LA: 01/21/2013-01/23/2013.
Corilo, Y. E., Podgorski, D. C., McKenna, A. M., Rodgers, R. P., Lemkau, K. L., Reddy, C. M., et al. (2013). Oil Spill Source Identification by Principal Component Analysis of Electrospray Ionization Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectra. In American Society of Mass Spectrometry Conference. Minneapolis, MN, June 9-13, 2013: Poster.
Culbertson, J. B., Tripathi, P. B., Butterworth, M. R., Martinson, R. J., Reddy, C. M., & Peacock, E. E. (2013). Reviewing the varied responses of coastal ecosystems to oil spills for evaluating potential. In Ocean Sciences Meeting 2013. New Orleans, LA : 02/17/13-02/22/2013.
Gros, J., Reddy, C. M., Nelson, R. K., & Arey, J. S. (2013). Quantifying composition alteration through biodegradation for Deepwater Horizon oil in surface environments using GCxGC. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2013. New Orleans, LA: 01/21/2013-01/23/2013.
Hall, G. J., Frysinger, G. S., Aeppli, C., Carmichael, C. A. G., J., Lemkau, K. L., Nelson, R. K., et al. (2013). Precursors of oxygenated hydrocarbons in weathered oil identified by comprehensive two-dimensional chromatography and chemometric analysis. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2013. New Orleans, LA: 01/21/2013-01/23/2013: Poster.
Kellerman, M. Y., Redmond, M. C., Reddy, C. M., Aeppli, C., Nelson, R. K., & Valentine, D. L. (2013). Oil sheen weathering post Deepwater Horizon. In American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. San Francisco, CA, December 9 - 13, 2013: Poster.
Lemkau, K., White, H. K., & Reddy, C. M. (2013). Characterization of oiled materials collected before and after Hurricane Isaac at Fort Morgan, AL. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2013. New Orleans, LA: 01/21/2013-01/23/2013: Poster.
Lemkau, K. L., McKenna, A. M., Podgorski, D. C., Rodgers, R. P., Marshall, A. G., Kujawinski, E. B., et al. (2013). Exploring Environmental Weathering of Oil Spills by Use of Ultrahigh Resolution Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometry. In North American Fourier Transform Mass Spectrometry Conference. Key West, FL, April 28- May 1, 2013: Poster.
Main, C. E., Nelson, R. K., Aeppli, C., Carmichael, C. A., Lemkau, K. L., & Reddy, C. M. (2013). Comparing laboratory- and field-weathered oil from the Macondo well. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2013. New Orleans, LA: 01/21/2013-01/23/2013: Poster.
McKenna, A. M. A., C., Valentine, D. L., Chen, H., Rodgers, R. P., Nelson, R. K., Lemkau, K., et al. (2013). Structural Diversity of Petroporphyrins Isolated from Natural Petroleum Seeps and Weathered Oil by FT-ICR MS. In American Society of Mass Spectrometry Conference. Minneapolis, MN, June 9-13, 2013.
McKenna, A. M., Kaiser, N. K., Hendrickson, C. L., Rodgers, R. P., Reddy, C. M., Nelson, R. K., et al. (2013). Environmental Forensics: Molecular Insight into Oil Spill Weathering Advances High Magnetic Field FT-ICR Mass Spectrometry. In Kavli Foundation Plenary Session, American Phyics Society March Meeting. Baltimore, MD : March 18-22, 2013.
McKenna, A. M., Kaiser, N. K., Hendrickson, C. L., Rodgers, R. P., Reddy, C. M., Nelson, R. K., et al. (2013). Environmental Forensics: Molecular Insight into Oil Spill Weathering Advances High Magnetic Field FT-ICR Mass Spectrometry. In American Physical Society Meeting. Baltimore, MD, March 18-22, 2013.
McKenna, A. M., Lemkau, K. T., Aeppli, C., Carmichael, C. A., Valentine, D. L., Reddy, C. M., et al. (2013). Expanding the Analytical Window of Oil Spill Characterization by FT-ICR Mass Spectrometry: From the Reservoir to the Beach. In American Chemical Society National Meeting. New Orleans, LA, April 7-11, 2013.
McKenna, A. M., Lemkau, K. T., Nelson, R. K., Valentine, D., Reddy, C. M., Marshall, A. G., et al. (2013). Molecular-Level Characterization of Petroleum Seeps and Asphalt Volcanoes from the Santa Barbara Basin by FT-ICR Mass Spectrometry. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2013. New Orleans, LA: 01/21/2013-01/23/2013.
McKenna, A. M., Lemkau, K. T., Nelson, R. K., Valentine, D., Reddy, C. M., Xian, F., et al. (2013). Biodegradation at the Seafloor: Ultrahigh Resolution FT-ICR Mass Spectral Characterization of Natural Petroleum Seeps in the Gulf of Mexico. In American Chemical Society National Meeting. New Orleans, LA, April 7-11, 2013.
Nelson, R. K., Carmichael, C. A., Radovic, J. R., Aeppli, C., Main, C. E., & Reddy, C. M. (2013). Advanced petroleum fingerprinting using comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography (GCxGC). In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2013. New Orleans, LA: 01/21/2013-01/23/2013: Poster.
Radovic, J. R., Aeppli, C., Nelson, R. K., Diez, S., Bayona, J. M., Albaiges, J., et al. (2013). Assessment of photochemical processes in marine oil spill fingerprinting. In EuCheMS International Conference on Chemistry and the Environment ICCE. Barcelona, Spain, June 25, 2013.
Radovic, J. R., Aeppli, C., Nelson, R. K., Diez, S., Bayona, J. M., & Reddy, C. M. (2013). Photooxidation of triaromatic steroids in Macondo well oil. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2013. New Orleans, LA: 01/21/2013-01/23/2013: Poster.
Reddy, C. M., Nelson, R. K., Valentine, D. L., & Kellermann, M. (2013). Analysis of drilling mud in oil sheens by comprehensive 2D gas chromatography. In American Chemical Society National Meeting & Exposition. New Orleans, LA, April 10, 2013.
Reddy, C. M., & Rodgers, R. (2013). Mainstreaming new methods into oil spill science: What do we need to do? In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2013. New Orleans, LA: 01/21/2013-01/23/2013.
Rodgers, R. P., Nyadong, L., Lobodin, V. V., Ruddy, B. M., Podgorski, D. C., McKenna, A. M., et al. (2013). A Petroleomic Approach to Environmental Analytical Chemistry. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2013. New Orleans, LA: 01/21/2013-01/23/2013.
Rodgers, R. P., Ruddy, B. M., Nyadong, L., Lobodin, V. V., McKenna, A. M., Marshall, A. G., et al. (2013). Recent Advances in the Analytical Characterization of Petrogenic Material from the Deepwater Horizon Incident. In American Chemical Society National Meeting. New Orleans, LA, April 7-11, 2013.
Ruddy, B. M., Hendrickson, C. L., Lobodin, V. V., Huettel, M., Kostka, J. E., Reddy, C. M., et al. (2013). Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill Ketone Transformation Products Revealed by Increased Acid/Analyte Concentration Positive Ion ESI FT-ICR MS. In American Chemical Society National Meeting. New Orleans, LA, April 7-11, 2013: Poster.
Ruddy, B. M., Huettel, M., Kostka, J. E., Lobodin, V. V., Bythell, B. J., McKenna, A. M., et al. (2013). New Insights into the Weathering of Macondo Well Oil: Analysis of Contaminated Sands from Pensacola Beach. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2013. New Orleans, LA: 01/21/2013-01/23/2013: Poster.
White, H. K., & Reddy, C. M. (2013). Geochemical insights into restoration efforts in the Gulf of Mexico. In Ocean Sciences Meeting 2013. New Orleans, LA : 02/17/13-02/22/2013.
Williams, P. L., Reddy, C. M., & White, H. K. (2013). Exploring the heterogeneity of oil in sand patties from the Gulf of Mexico. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2013. New Orleans, LA: 01/21/2013-01/23/2013: Poster.
2012 |
Aeppli, C. A., Valentine, D. L., Arakawa, N., Aluwihare, L., Redmond, M. C., Nelson, R. K., et al. (2012). Oxygenation of petroleum hydrocarbons after the Deepwater Horizon disaster. In AGU Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA, December 14, 2012: Poster.
Corilo, Y. E., Podgorski, D. C., McKenna, A. M., Rodgers, R. P., Lemkau, K. L., Reddy, C. M., et al. (2012). Robust Source Identification of Components in Oil Spills by FT-ICR MS and Principal Component Analysis. In International Conference on Petroleum Phase Behavior and Fouling. St. Petersburg, FL, June 10-14, 2012: Poster.
Corilo, Y. E., Podgorski, D. C., McKenna, A., Rodgers, R. P., Lemkau, K. L., Reddy, C. M., et al. (2012). Identifying robust, source identification components in oil spills by FT-ICR MS and PCA. In International Conference on Petroleum Phase Behavior and Fouling. St. Petersburg, FL, June 11, 2012: Poster.
Kinsey, J. C., Yoerger, D. R., Jakuba, M. V., Camilli, R., & Reddy, C. (2012). Estimating the Mid-Water Hydrocarbon Fluxes with an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle and an In situ Mass Spectrometer. In Ocean Sciences Meeting 2012. Salt Lake City, UT: 02/19/12-02/24/12: Poster.
Kong, D., Moir, M., Nelson, R. K., & Reddy, C. M. (2012). Oil spill source identification with advanced and tiered analytical tools. In National Environmental Monitoring Conference. Washington, DC, August 6-10, 2012.
Marshall, A., McKenna, A. M., Nelson, R. K., Reddy, C. M., Rodgers, R. P., Savory, J. T., et al. (2012). Next generation analytical characterization of the 2010 Gulf of Mexico Macondo well petroleum by FT-ICR mass spectrometry and GCxGC. In American Chemical Society Meeting. San Diego, CA, March 25-29, 2012.
Marshall, A. G., McKenna, A. M., Nelson, R. K., Reddy, C. M., Rodgers, R. P., Savory, J. T., et al. (2012). Next Generation Analytical Characterization of the 2010 Gulf of Mexico Macondo Well Petroleum by FT ICR Mass Spectrometry and Comprehensive GCxGC. In American Chemical Society Meeting – Division of Geochemistry Symposium. San Diego, CA, March 28, 2012.
McKenna, A. M. R., R. P., Nelson, R. K., Lemkau, K., Reddy, C. M., Podgorski, D. C., Robbins, W. K., et al. (2012). Molecular Microscope: Comprehensive Oil Spill Characterization by Comprehensive GCxGC and FT-ICR Mass Spectrometry. In American Society of Mass Spectrometry Conference. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, May 20-24, 2012.
McKenna, A. M., Lemkau, K. T., Nelson, R. K., Valentine, D., Reddy, C. M., Podgorski, D. C., et al. (2012). Molecular-level Characterization of Petroleum Seeps and Asphalt Volcanoes from Santa Barbara Basin by FT-ICR Mass Spectrometry. In American Chemical Society Meeting. Philadelphia, PA, August 20, 2012.
Nelson, R. K., & Reddy, C. M. (2012). GCxGC analysis of petroleum biomarkers: Fingerprinting using molecular fossils. In International Conference on Petroleum Phase Behavior and Fouling. St. Petersburg, FL, June 10-14, 2012: Poster.
Reddy, C. M. (2012). From pipe to the beach: Studying the polar component of Macondo well oil. In Ocean Sciences Meeting 2012. Salt Lake City, UT: 02/19/12-02/24/12.
Reddy, C. M. (2012). Expanding past traditional analytical techniques for studying the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. In American Chemical Society Meeting. San Diego, CA, March 25-29, 2012.
Reddy, C. M. (2012). The Deepwater Horizon disaster: From pipe to plume. In American Society of Mass Spectrometry Conference. Vancouver, BC, May 20-24, 2012.
Reddy, C. M. (2012). The Deepwater Horizon: Science and the Media. In American Association of Anatomists Meeting. San Diego, CA, April 21, 2012.
Reddy, C. M. (2012). A disaster fit for oceanography. In Ocean Sciences Meeting 2012. Salt Lake City, UT: 02/19/12-02/24/12.
Reddy, C. M. (2012). Arithmetic with chromatograms: New insights on the fate of spilled oil following the Deepwater Horizon disaster. In Gordon Research Conference. Holderness, NH, July 30, 2012.
Reddy, C. M. (2012). On a path towards long-term sampling following the Deepwater Horizon. In AGU Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA, December 14, 2012.
Reddy, C. M., Nelson, R. K., Carmichael, C. A., Gros, J., & Arey, J. S. (2012). Advances in the analysis of petroleum via comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography. In International Conference on Petroleum Phase Behavior and Fouling. St. Petersburg, FL, June 10-14, 2012.
Rodgers, R. P., McKenna, A. M., Nelson, R. K., Robbins, W. K., Reddy, C. M., & Marshall, A. G. (2012). Molecular Level Compositional and Structural Characterization for the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill by GCxGC and FT-ICR Mass Spectrometry. In American Academy of Forensic Sciences Annual Meeting. Atlanta, GA, February 20-25, 2012.
Valentine, D. L., Redmond, M. C., Mendes, S. D., Aeppli, C., Reddy, C. M., & Ryerson, T. B. (2012). Hydrocarbon biodegradation following the Deepwater Horizon: A compound specific point of view. In AGU Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA, December 14, 2012.
2011 |
Aeppli, C. A., Carmichael., Nelson, R., & Reddy, C. M. (2011). Identifying and Characterizing a Polar and Recalcitrant Fraction in Weathered Macondo 252 Well Oil. In Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) Meeting. Boston, MA, November 13-17, 2011, MA.
Reddy, C. M. (2011). What if 160 million gallons of oil started to spill tomorrow? In Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) Meeting. Boston, MA, November 13-17, 2011.