Investigating the effect of oil spills
on the environment and public health.
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Patrick L. Williams

Haverford College

Department of Chemistry

370 Lancaster Avenue
Haverford, PA  19041  


Project List:

Weathering of Petroleum and Dispersant Components in the Aftermath of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill

Year 3-5 Investigator Grants (RFP-II)Role: Undergraduate Student

Publications & Presentations:

Conference Presentations - 3


Williams, P. L., Londergan, C. L., & White, H. K. (2014). Examining the mechanisms of oil degradation with infrared spectroscopy and two-dimensional correlation analysis. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2014. Mobile, AL: 01/26/14-01/30/14: Poster.


Williams, P. L., Reddy, C. M., & White, H. K. (2013). Exploring the heterogeneity of oil in sand patties from the Gulf of Mexico. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2013. New Orleans, LA: 01/21/2013-01/23/2013: Poster.
Williams, P. L., Reddy, C. M., & White, H. K. (2013). Examining the heterogeneity of oil in sand patties from the Gulf of Mexico. In Haverford College KINSC Annual Undergraduate Science Research Symposium. Haverford, PA, September 21, 2013: Poster.