Investigating the effect of oil spills
on the environment and public health.
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Sarah Fields

University of Rhode Island

Department of Chemical Engineering

205 Crawford Hall
Kingston , RI  02811  


Project List:

Consortium for the Molecular Engineering of Dispersant Systems (C-MEDS)

Year 2-4 Consortia Grants (RFP-I)Role: Graduate Student - Master's Level, GoMRI Scholar

Publications & Presentations:

Journal Article - 1


Gupta, A., Sender, M., Fields, S., & Bothun, G. D. (2014). Phase and sedimentation behavior of oil (octane) dispersions in the presence of model mineral aggregates. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 87(1-2), 164–170.

Conference Presentations - 4


Fanaritas, N., Rocchio, J., Fields, S., & Bothun, G. D. (2014). Environmentally Responsible Oil Cleanup through Dispersion with Lipid-Coated Silica Particles. In Northeast AlChE Student Conference, University of Connecticut. Storrs,CT - 04/04/2014-04/05/2014: Poster.
Rocchio, J., Sender, M., Fields, S., Fanaritas, N., & Bothun, G. D. (2014). Polysorbate 80/Lecithin Micellar Mixtures as Alternative Oil Dispersants. In Northeast AlChE Student Conference, University of Connecticut. Storrs, CT - 04/04/2014-04/05/2014: Poster.


Bothun, G., Gupta, A., Zhang, H., Fields, S., & Oyenandal-Craver, V. (2013). Silica Nanoparticle Oil-in-Water Pickering Emulsions in Deionized Water and Artificial Seawater. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2013. New Orleans, LA: 01/21/2013-01/23/2013.
Bothun, G., Gupta, A., Zhang, H., Fields, S., & Oyenandal-Craver, V. (2013). Nutrient-doped silica nanoparticle Pickering emulsions for enhanced oil biodegradation. In ACS Annual Conference. New Orleans, LA, April 7-11, 2013.