Investigating the effect of oil spills
on the environment and public health.
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Xuan Chen

Louisiana State University AgCenter

Department of Entomology

404 Life Sciences Building
Baton Rouge, LA  70803  


Project List:

Coastal Waters Consortium II (CWC II)

Year 5-7 Consortia Grants (RFP-IV)Role: Post-Doc

Coastal Waters Consortium (CWC)

Year 2-4 Consortia Grants (RFP-I)Role: Graduate Student - PhD Level, GoMRI Scholar

Analysis of Samples Collected to Measure Effects of Stressors on Coastal Wetlands

Year One Block Grant - Louisiana State UniversityRole: Graduate Student - PhD Level

Effects of Oil, Dispersant, and Remediation-related Human Activities on Marsh Plants and Associated Insects and Mollusks

Year One Block Grant - The Northern Gulf InstituteRole: Graduate Student - PhD Level

Publications & Presentations:

Journal Articles - 3


Sokolov, I. M., Chen, X., Strecker, R. M., & Hooper-Bui, L. M. (2018). An annotated list of Auchenorrhyncha and Heteroptera collected in the coastal salt marshes of the Mississippi Delta in Louisiana. Psyche: A Journal of Entomology, 2018, 1–16.


Adams, B. J., Chen, X., & Hooper-Bùi, L. M. (2017). A Comparison of Two Insect Collection Techniques in Oiled and Non-Oiled Salt Marshes in Louisiana. Florida Entomologist, 100(2), 366–371.


Chen, X., Adams, B., Bergeron, C., Sabo, A., & Hooper-Bui, L. (2015). Ant community structure and response to disturbances on coastal dunes of Gulf of Mexico. J Insect Conserv, 19(1), 1–13.

Conference Presentations - 18


Hooper-Bui, L. M., Chen, X., & Strecker, R. (2018). Saltmarsh Insect Community Response to Oil and Hurricane: A Lesson in Resiliency. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2018. New Orleans, LA : 02/05/18-02/08/18.


Hooper-Bui, L. M., Strecker, R. M., & Chen, X. (2016). Ants in the saltmarsh: What they tell us about natural and technological disasters. In 2016 XXV International Congress of Entomology. Orlando, FL : 09/25/16-09/30/16.


Hooper-Bui, L. M., Strecker, R. M., Chen, X., Thompson, E., Sabo, A., & Soderstrum, G. (2015). Using Acrobat Ants to Determine the Effect of Macondo Oil on Saltmarsh Terrestrial Arthropod Food Webs. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2015. Houston, TX : 02/16/15-02/19/15.


Chen, X., Hesson, B., Strecker, R., Hooper-Bui, L., & Sabo, A. (2014). E. Robinson1,2, N. Rabalais2. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2014. Mobile, AL: 01/26/14-01/30/14: Poster.
Hooper-Bui, L., Hesson, B., Chen, X., Sabo, A., & Strecker, R. (2014). Effect of Macondo Oil on Saltmarsh Terrestrial Arthropod Food Webs. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2014. Mobile, AL: 01/26/14-01/30/14: Poster.
Hooper-Bui, L., Soderstrum, G., Hesson, B., Chen, X., & Strecker, R. (2014). Effect of Hurricane Isaac and Macondo Oil on Saltmarsh Terrestrial Arthropods. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2014. Mobile, AL: 01/26/14-01/30/14: Poster.


Chen, X., Adams, B., Bergeron, C., Sabo, A., & Hooper-Bui, L. (2013). Ant diversity and community structure on coastal dunes. In 22nd Biennial Conference of the Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation. San Diego, CA, November 3 - 7, 2013.
Chen, X., Hesson, B., Strecker, R. M., & Hooper-Bui, L. M. (2013). Effect of multi-stressors on any community in coastal dunes of Gulf of Mexico. In 2013 Entomological Society of Amercia. Austin, TX, November 9 - 14, 2013.
Hesson, B., Chen, X., Strecker, R., Turner, R. E., & Hooper-Bui, L. (2013). Effect of TS Lee and Hurricane Isaac on saltmarsh terrestrial arthropods. In 22nd Biennial Conference of the Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation. San Diego, CA, November 3 - 7, 2013.
Hooper-Bui, L., Strecker, R., Hesson, B., Soderstrum, G., Accardo, M., Aguillard, D., et al. (2013). Putting the Canary Back in the Coal Mine: Crickets and Ants in the Saltmarshes Post-Macondo Blowout. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2013. New Orleans, LA: 01/21/2013-01/23/2013.


Adams, B., Chen, X., & Hooper-Bui, L. M. (2012). Oil pollution mediated mortality and behavior modification in coastal insects. In Entomological Society of America Annual Meeting. Knoxville, TN, November 11, 2012.
Chen, X., Adams, B., Bergeron, C., & Hooper-Bui, L. M. (2012). Ant diversity and community structure on coastal dunes of the northern Gulf of Mexico. In Entomological Society of America Annual Meeting. Knoxville, TN, November 11, 2012.
Crupi, T., Hooper-Bui, L. M., Hesson, B., Accardo, M., Soderstrum, G., Strecker, R., et al. (2012). Acrobat ant antics: The secret life of ants in Louisiana's salt marshes. In Entomological Society of America Annual Meeting. Knoxville, TN, November 11, 2012.
Hesson, B., Hooper-Bui, L. M., Soderstrum, G., Accardo, M., Strecker, R., & Chen, X. (2012). Hula hoops, high wire acts and acrobats: Ant density and distribution in saltwater marshes. In Entomological Society of America Annual Meeting. Knoxville, TN, Knoxville, TN, November 11, 2012.
Hooper-Bui, L. M., Strecker, R., Hesson, B., Soderstrum, G., Accardo, M., Aguillard, D., et al. (2012). Silent spring revisited: Insects and spiders in Louisiana's saltwater marshes after the Macondo blowout. In Entomological Society of America Annual Meeting. Little Rock, AR, March 9, 2012.
Hooper-Bui, L. M., Strecker, R. M., Adams, B. J., Chen, X., Overton, E., & Turner, R. E. (2012). Silent Spring Revisited: Insects and Spiders in Louisiana's Saltwater Marshes after the Macondo Blowout. In INTECOL International Wetlands Conference. Orlando, FL, June 3-9, 2012: Poster.
Hooper-Bui, L. M., Strecker, R. M., Osisioma, O., Chen, X., & Adams, B. (2012). Impact of BP's Macondo oil disaster on salt marsh insect diversity and abundance in the northern Gulf of Mexico. In Entomological Society of America Annual Meeting. Little Rock, AR, March 4-7, 2012.
Soderstrum, G., Hooper-Bui, L. M., Osisioma, O., Strecker, R. M., Chen, X., Adams, B., et al. (2012). Silent spring revisited: Insects and spiders in Louisiana's saltwater marshes after the Macondo blowout. In Entomological Society of America Annual Meeting. Knoxville, TN, November 11, 2012.