Investigating the effect of oil spills
on the environment and public health.
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Alexandra Bozec

Florida State University

Center for Ocean-Atmospheric Prediction Studies (COAPS)

2000 Levy Avenue, Bldg. A, Suite 292
P.O. Box 3062741
Tallahassee, FL  323062741  


Project List:

Deepsea to Coast Connectivity in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico (DEEP-C)

Year 2-4 Consortia Grants (RFP-I)Role: Research Scientist

Publications & Presentations:

Journal Article - 1


Sturges, W., & Bozec, A. (2013). A Puzzling Disagreement between Observations and Numerical Models in the Central Gulf of Mexico. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 43(12), 2673–2681.

Conference Presentation - 1


Bozec, A., Gouillon, F., & Chassignet, E. P. (2012). Modeling Baroclinic Tides in the Gulf of Mexico. In Ocean Sciences Meeting 2012. Salt Lake City, UT: 02/19/12-02/24/12: Poster.