Investigating the effect of oil spills
on the environment and public health.
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Satomi Kohno

Medical University of South Carolina

Hollings Marine Lab

331 Ft. Johnson Rd.
Charleston, SC  29412  


Project List:

Using Embryonic Stem Cell Fate to Determine Potential Adverse Effects of Petroleum/Dispersant Exposure

Year 3-5 Investigator Grants (RFP-II)Role: Co-Principal Investigator

Publications & Presentations:

Journal Articles - 4


McCoy, K. A., Roark, A. M., Boggs, A. S. P., Bowden, J. A., Cruze, L., Edwards, T. M., et al. (2016). Integrative and comparative reproductive biology: From alligators to xenobiotics. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 238, 23–31.
Toyota, K., McNabb, N. A., Spyropoulos, D. D., Iguchi, T., & Kohno, S. (2016). Toxic effects of chemical dispersant Corexit 9500 on water fleaDaphnia magna: Toxic effects of corexit 9500 onDAPHNIA MAGNA. J. Appl. Toxicol., 37(2), 201–206.


Kohno, S., Bernhard, M. C., Katsu, Y., Zhu, J., Bryan, T. A., Doheny, B. M., et al. (2015). Estrogen Receptor 1 (ESR1; ERα), not ESR2 (ERβ), Modulates Estrogen-Induced Sex Reversal in the American Alligator, a Species With Temperature-Dependent Sex Determination. Endocrinology, 156(5), 1887–1899.


Kohno, S., Parrott, B. B., Yatsu, R., Miyagawa, S., Moore, B. C., Iguchi, T., et al. (2014). Gonadal Differentiation in Reptiles Exhibiting Environmental Sex Determination. Sex Dev, 8(5), 208–226.

Conference Presentations - 40


Brumbaugh, A., Williams, C., Guillette, L. J., Spyropoulos, D. D., & Kohno, S. (2016). Obesogenic activity of oil dispersant corexit 9500 in the American alligator. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2016. Tampa, FL : 02/01/16-02/04/16.
Kohno, S., Newman, R. B., Nishizawa, H., Guillette, L. J., Kitai, T., & Sato, T. (2016). Transgenerational alteration of estrus cycle proportion in F1 female mice obtained from F0 males neonatally exposed to 17?-hydroxyprogesterone caproate. In Annual Meeting of Society for Maternal Fetal Medicine. Atlanta, GA : 02/04/16-02/06/16: Poster.
Kohno, S., & P., B. B. (2016). What 12 years of research tells us: Bad environments for wildlife won't be good for humans. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2016. Tampa, FL : 02/01/16-02/04/16.
McNabb, N. A., Miyagawa, S., Iguchi, T., Spyropoulos, D. D., Guillette, L. J., & Kohno, S. (2016). Investigating estrogenicity of oil dispersant COREXIT® EC9500A in the American alligator and diamondback terrapin. In Annual Meeting of Society for Maternal Fetal Medicine. Portland, OR : 01/03/16-01/07/16: Poster.
McNabb, N. A., Spyropoulos, D. D., Guillette, L. J., & Kohno, S. (2016). Investigating estrogenicity and developmental effects of the dispersant COREXIT® EC9500A in the American alligator. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2016. Tampa, FL : 02/01/16-02/04/16.
McNabb, N. A., Spyropoulos, D. D., Guillette, L. J., & Kohno, S. (2016). Investigating Estrogenicity Of COREXIT In The American Alligator: Learning In The Field And Lab From Lou Guillette. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2016. Tampa, FL : 02/01/16-02/04/16.
McNabb, N. A., Williams, C. E., Spyropoulos, D. D., Guillette, L. J., & Kohno, S. (2016). Investigating effects of COREXIT and CWAF on sex determination in the American alligator. In Palmetto Alligator Research and Management Symposium.. Georgetown, SC : 03/11/16.
Spyropoulos, D. D., Temkin, A. M., Cantu, T. M., McNabb, N. A., Williams, C. E., Bowers, R. R., et al. (2016). From Oiled Stem Cells to Pregnant Women: Methodically Navigating Between Complex Environments and Human Health. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2016. Tampa, FL : 02/01/16-02/04/16: Poster.
Williams, C. E., Guillette, L. J., Spyropoulos, D. D., & Kohno, S. (2016). Estrogenic effects of CWAF exposure on sex determination in the American alligator. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2016. Tampa, FL : 02/01/16-02/04/16.
Williams, C. E., Guillette, L. J., Spyropoulos, D. D., & Kohno, S. (2016). Effects of exogenous estradiol on gonadal sex determination in the American alligator during in vitro culture of the isolated gonad-adrenal-mesonephric complex. In Annual Meeting of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology. Portland, OR : 01/03/16-01/07/16: Poster.
Williams, C. E., Spyropoulos, D. D., Guillette, L. J., & Kohno, S. (2016). Lessons in research and beyond from Lou Guillette – assessing the impacts of CWAF on sex determination in the American alligator. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2016. Tampa, FL : 02/01/16-02/04/16.


Bernhard, M. C., Spyropoulos, D. D., Guillette, L. J., & Kohno, S. (2015). Can tributyltin be used as a positive control for obesogenic exposure in the American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis)? In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2015. Houston, TX : 02/16/15-02/19/15: Poster.
Brumbaugh, A., Spyropoulos, D. D., & Kohno, S. (2015). Obesogenic Activity of Oil Dispersant Components in the American Alligator Following the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill. In 2015 Medical University of South Carolina, HML Poster Session of the Summer Undergraduate Research Program: Endocrine Disrupting Compounds, the Environment and Human Health.. Charleston, SC : 7/29/2015: Poster.
Brumbaugh, A., Spyropoulos, D. D., & Kohno, S. (2015). Obesogenic Activity of Oil Dispersant Components in the American Alligator Following the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill. In 2015 Medical University of South Carolina Summer Undergraduate Research Program Oral Presentations. Charleston, SC : 7/30/2015.
Kitai, T., Nishizawa, H., Iguchi, T., Guillette, L. J., Kohno, S., & Sato, T. (2015). Reproductive study of f1 mice obtained from F0 mice neonatally exposed to 17?-hydroxyprogesterone caproate. In 63rd NIBB Conference: Environment to Bioresponse. Okazaki, Japan : 11/30/15-12/02/15.
Kohno, S., McNabb, N. A., Williams, C. E., Spyropoulos, D. D., Guillette, L. J., & Parrott, B. B. (2015). Long-term influences of environmental factors on sex determination and differentiation in the American alligator. In 63rd NIBB Conference: Environment to Bioresponse. Okazaki, Japan : 11/30/15-12/02/15.
McNabb, N., Spyropoulos, D. D., Guillette, L. J., & Kohno, S. (2015). Effects Of COREXIT 9500 As A Potential Endocrine Disruptor On Sex Determination Of The American Alligator. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2015. Houston, TX : 02/16/15-02/19/15: Poster.
McNabb, N. A., Guillette, L. J., Spyropoulos, D. D., & Kohno, S. (2015). Investigating estrogenicity and developmental effects of the dispersant COREXIT in the American alligator and diamondback terrapin. In 19th Annual College of Charleston Graduate Program in Marine Biology Student Research Colloquium. Charleston, SC : 11/14/15-11/14/15.
McNabb, N. A., Miyagawa, S., Iguchi, T., Spyropoulos, D. D., Guillette, L. J., & Kohno, S. (2015). Investigating estrogenicity and developmental effects of the dispersant COREXIT in the American alligator and diamondback terrapin. In 63rd NIBB Conference: Environment to Bioresponse. Okazaki, Japan : 11/30/15-12/02/15: Poster.
Temkin, A., Bowers, R., Baatz, J., Guillette, L. J., Kohno, S., & Spyropoulos, D. D. (2015). Keynote Speaker: Empowering Awareness of Environmental Impacts on Women's Health – From Wildlife and Stem Cells to the Clinic and Personal Choices. In Carolina Womenâ??s Health Research Forum. Columbia, SC : 10/23/15-10/23/15.
Williams, C. E., Guillette, L. J., Spyropoulos, D. D., & Kohno, S. (2015). Estrogenic Effects Of CWAF Exposure In Vitro On Sex Determination Of The American Alligator. In 19th Annual College of Charleston Graduate Program in Marine Biology Student Research Colloquium. Charleston, SC : 10/02/15-10/02/15: Poster.


Barrett, N., Temkin, A., Ellisor, D., Kohno, S., Guillette, L. J.,, & Spyropoulos, D. D. (2014). Histological Analysis of Adipose Tissue in the Tail of American Aliigators Exposed to Tributyltin in ovo. In MUSC Marine Biomedicine & Environmental Sciences Program, Summer Undergraduate Research Program Student Colloquium. James Island, SC : 07/29/14.
Barrett, N., Temkin, A., Kohno, S., Guillette, L. J.,, & Spyropoulos, D. D. (2014). Histological Analysis of Adipose Tissue in the Tail of American Aliigators Exposed to Tributyltin in ovo. In Summer Undergraduate Research Program, Final Presentation Day. Charleston SC : 07/30/14.
Bernhard, M., Kohno, S., Guillette, L. J.,, & Spyropoulos, D. D. (2014). Effects Of Ppar?/Rxr? Signaling Via In Ovo Tributyltin Exposure On Development Of The American Alligator, Alligator Mississippiensis. In College of Charleston Marine Biology Graduate Program Student Research Colloquium 2014. James Island, SC : 09/19/14.
Bernhard, M. C., Spyropoulos, D. D., Guillette L. J., & Kohno, S. (2014). Does in ovo exposure to a known endocrine disruptor, tributyltin (TBT), skew sex ratios in the American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis)-. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2014. Mobile, AL: 01/26/14-01/30/14: Poster.
Bowden, J., Watanabe, M., Kohno, S., & Schock, T. (2014). Development of a multi-omics approach using a single extraction. In ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics – 62nd. Baltimore, MD : 6/15/14-6/19/14.
Cloy-McCoy, J. A., Kohno, S., & Guillette Jr., L. J. (2014). The influence of environmental quality on ovarian anti-Mu-llerian hormone (AMH) gene expression in juvenile American alligators. In 2014 Annual Meeting of SICB. Austin TX: Poster.
Doheny, B. M., Kohno, S., Cloy-Mccoy, J. A., & Guillette Jr, L. J. (2014). Receptor Isoform-specific Estrogen Signaling in Mu-llerian Duct Differentiation of the American Alligator. In 2014 Annual Meeting of SICB. Austin TX: Poster.
Guilette, L. J., Parrott, B. B., McCoy, J. C., Bowden, J. A., & Kohno, S. (2014). Environmental contaminants and sex determination/gonadal differentiation in a wildlife sentinel species: Gene expression and epigenetic regulation of gonadal development. In 8th International Symposium on Amphibian and Reptilian Endocrinology and Neurobiology. Okazaki, Japan : 11/07/2014-11/09/2014.
Guillette, L. J., Parrott, B., Bowden, J., & Kohno, S. (2014). Endocrine Disrupting Contaminants and the Developing Reproductive System. In Society for the Study of Reproduction 2014 ; Fertility: A Global Challenge. Grand Rapids, MI : 7/19/14-7/23/14.
Kohno, S., Bernhard, M. C., Barrett, N. H., McNabb, N. B., & Guilette, L. J. (2014). American alligator: A sentinel species for developmental effects of endocrine disrupting compounds. In 8th International Symposium on Amphibian and Reptilian Endocrinology and Neurobiology. Okazaki, Japan : 11/07/2014-11/09/2014.
Kohno, S., & Guillette Jr., L. J. (2014). Association of mRNA abundance for various steroid hormone related factors in circulating blood cells with plasma chemical -components during the stress response in the American alligator. In 2014 Annual Meeting of SICB. Austin TX: Poster.
Kohno, S., Sato, T., Miyagawa, S., Newman, R., Iguchi, T., & Guillette, L. J. (2014). Neonatal exposure to a synthetic progestin, 17?-hydroxyprogesterone caproate suppressed estrogenic responsiveness in transcriptome of female reproductive tract in adult mice. In Gordon Research Conferences, Mammalian Reproduction. New London, NH : 8/10/14-8/15/14.
McNabb, N., Kohno, S., & Guillette, L. J. (2014). Effects of COREXIT 9500 As A Potential Endocrine Disruptor On Sex Determination Of The American Alligator. In College of Charleston Marine Biology Graduate Program Student Research Colloquium 2015. James Island, SC : 09/19/14: Poster.
Parrott, B. B., Kohno, S., Cloy-Mccoy, J. A., & Guillette, J., L.J. (2014). Gonadal DNA methylation patterning is affected by incubation temperature in the American alligator, a species undergoing temperature-dependent sex determination. In 2014 Annual Meeting of SICB. Austin TX: Poster.
Patton, M. P., Temkin, A., Ellisor, D., Kohno, S., Guillette, L. J.,, & Spyropoulos, D. D. (2014). Using Molecular Markers to Rapidly Characterize Adipogenic Stem Cell Differentiation. In 2014 Annual Meeting of SICB. Austin TX: Poster.
Schock, T. B., Watanabe, M., Kohno, S., & Bowden, J. A. (2014). An integrated omics extraction protocol for maximum recovery of biological information from a single sample. In International Conference of the Metabolomics Society – 10th Anniversary. Tsuruoka, Japan : 6/23/14-6/26/14.
Temkin, A. M., Bowers, R., Ellisor, D. L., Baatz, J. E., Kucklick, J., Kohno, S., et al. (2014). Predicting Long Term Impacts of MC252 Oil/COREXIT Exposures on Human Health and Higher Trophic Organisms: Obesogenicity. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2014. Mobile, AL: 01/26/14-01/30/14: Poster.


Ellisor, D. L., Cloy-McCoy, J. A., Cantu, T.M., Kohno, S., Baatz, J. E., Guillette, L. J., & Spyropoulos, D. D. (2013). Using Embryonic Stem Cell Fate to Determine Potential Adverse Effects of Petroleum/Dispersant Exposure. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2013. New Orleans, LA: 01/21/2013-01/23/2013: Poster.
Ellisor, D. L., Cloy-McCoy, J. A., Cantu, T.M., Kohno, S., Baatz, J. E., Guillette, L. J., & Spyropoulos, D. D. (2013). Using Embryonic Stem Cell Fate to Determine Potential Adverse Effects of Petroleum/Dispersant Exposure. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2013. New Orleans, LA: 01/21/2013-01/23/2013.