Investigating the effect of oil spills
on the environment and public health.
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Funding Source: Year One Block Grant - The Alabama Marine Environmental Science Consortium

Project Publications & Presentations

Measuring Habitat Utilization, Plant Growth Rates and Secondary Productivity in Response to Oiling in a Northern Gulf of Mexico Salt Marsh

Conference Presentations - 9


Chance, C. D., & McCall, J. N. (2012). Impacts of BP oil spill on meiofaunal communities in an Alabama salt marsh. In Alabama Academy of Sciences Meeting. Tuskegee, AL, February 22-24, 2012.
Edwards III, B. H., & Stanton, L. E. (2012). Plant community response to oiling in an Alabama salt marsh. In Alabama Academy of Sciences Meeting. Tuskegee, AL, February 22-24, 2012.
Maulorico, R. L., & McCall, J. N. (2012). Fish community structure in an Alabama salt marsh. In Alabama Academy of Sciences Annual Meeting. Tuskegee, AL, February 22-24, 2012: Poster.
McCall, J. N., & Chance, C. D. (2012). Impacts of BP oil spill on meiofaunal communities in an Alabama salt marsh. In Association of Southeastern Biologists 73th Annual Meeting. Athens, GA : 04/04/2012-04/07/2012: Poster.
Shaw, A. K., & Burnes, B. (2012). Comparison of bacteria found in the soil of oiled and unoiled communities in an Alabama salt marsh. In Alabama Academy of Sciences Annual Meeting. Tuskegee, AL, February 22-24, 2012: Poster.


Burnes, B., Stanton, L., & McCall, J. (2011). Measuring plant productivity and micro-, meio-, and macrofaunal abundance and diversity in response to oiling. In Alabama Academy of Sciences Meeting. Jacksonville, AL, March 2-4, 2011.
Burnes, B., Stanton, L., & McCall, J. (2011). Measuring plant productivity and micro-, meio-, and macrofaunal abundance and diversity in response to oiling. In Association of Southeastern Biologists 72th Annual Meeting. Hunstville, AL : 04/13/11-04/16/11.
Stanton, L. E., McCall, J. N., & Burnes, B. (2011). Measuring plant productivity and micro-, meio-, and macro-faunal abundance and diversity in response to oiling in a Northern Gulf of Mexico salt marsh. In Alabama Academy of Sciences Annual Meeting. Jacksonville, AL, February 2011: Poster.
Stanton, L. E., McCall, J. N., & Burnes, B. (2011). Measuring plant productivity and micro-, meio-, and macro-faunal abundance and diversity in response to oiling in a Northern Gulf of Mexico salt marsh. In Association of Southeastern Biologists 72th Annual Meeting. Hunstville, AL : 04/13/11-04/16/11.
This research was made possible by a grant from The Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative.