Investigating the effect of oil spills
on the environment and public health.
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Funding Source: Year One Block Grant - The Alabama Marine Environmental Science Consortium

Project Publications & Presentations

Analysis of the Biodegradative Microbial Population and their Genes in Deepwater Horizon Oil Contaminated Water and Sediments of Coastal Alabama

Journal Articles - 2


Horel, A., Mortazavi, B., & Sobecky, P. A. (2012). Seasonal Monitoring of Hydrocarbon Degraders in Alabama Marine Ecosystems Following the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill. Water Air Soil Pollut, 223(6), 3145–3154.
Horel, A., Mortazavi, B., & Sobecky, P. A. (2012). Responses of microbial community from northern gulf of mexico sandy sediments following exposure to Deepwater horizon crude oil. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 31(5), 1004–1011.

Conference Presentation - 1


Kiene, R. P., Oswald, L., Rellinger, A. N., Motard-Cote, J., & McGillis, W. R. (2012). Dissolved methane and oxygen concentrations in shelf waters of the northern Gulf of Mexico impacted by the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. In SOLAS (Surface Ocean-Lower Atmosphere) Open Science Conference. Cle Elum, WA, May 7-10, 2012.
This research was made possible by a grant from The Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative.