Investigating the effect of oil spills
on the environment and public health.
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Funding Source: Year 6-8 Investigator Grants (RFP-V)

Project Publications & Presentations

Oil-Marine Snow-Mineral Aggregate Interactions and Sedimentation during the 2010 Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill

Journal Articles - 5


Quigg, A., Santschi, P. H., Xu, C., Ziervogel, K., Kamalanathan, M., Chin, W. - C., et al. (2021). Aggregation and Degradation of Dispersants and Oil by Microbial Exopolymers (ADDOMEx): Toward a Synthesis of Processes and Pathways of Marine Oil Snow Formation in Determining the Fate of Hydrocarbons. Front. Mar. Sci., 8, E642160.


Francis, S., & Passow, U. (2020). Transport of dispersed oil compounds to the seafloor by sinking phytoplankton aggregates: A modeling study. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 156, 103192.


Passow, U., Sweet, J., Francis, S., Xu, C., Dissanayake, A., Lin, Y., et al. (2019). Incorporation of oil into diatom aggregates. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser., 612, 65–86.


Dissanayake, A. L., Burd, A., Daly, K. L., Francis, S., & Passow, U. (2018). Numerical modeling of the interactions of oil, marine snow, and riverine sediments in the ocean. J. Geophys. Res. Oceans, 123(8), 5388–5405.


Gros, J., Socolofsky, S. A., Dissanayake, A. L., Jun, I., Zhao, L., Boufadel, M. C., et al. (2017). Petroleum dynamics in the sea and influence of subsea dispersant injection during Deepwater Horizon. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 114(38), 10065–10070.

Book Chapters - 2


Daly, K. L., Vaz, A. C., & Paris, C. B. (2019). Physical processes influencing the sedimentation and lateral transport of MOSSFA in the NE Gulf of Mexico. In S. A. Murawski, C. H. Ainsworth, S. A. Gilbert, D. J. Hollander, C. B. Paris, M. Schlüter, et al. (Eds.), Scenarios and Responses to Future Deep Oil Spills: Fighting the Next War (pp. 300–314). Springer International.
Quigg, A., Passow, U., Daly, K. L., Burd, A., Hollander, D. J., Schwing, P. T., et al. (2019). Marine Oil Snow Sedimentation and Flocculent Accumulation (MOSSFA) Events: Learning from the Past to Predict the Future. In S. A. Murawski, C. H. Ainsworth, S. A. Gilbert, D. J. Hollander, C. B. Paris, M. Schlüter, et al. (Eds.), Deep Oil Spills – Facts, Fate, and Effects (pp. 196–220). Springer International.

Conference Presentations - 14


Burd, A., Daly, K., Dissanayake, A., Francis, S., Jokulsdottir, T., Passow, U., et al. (2020). Modeling Marine-Oil-Snow and MOSSFA Events: Progress and Perspectives. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2020. Tampa, FL : 02/03/20-02/06/20.
Jokulsdottir, T., Daly, K., Francis, S., Passow, U., & Burd, A. (2020). The Effect of Oil on Aggregation of Marine Snow. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2020. Tampa, FL : 02/03/20-02/06/20.


Jokulsdottir, T., Burd, A., Francis, S., Daly, K., & Passow, U. (2019). Modeling the Conditions Requried for a MOSSFA Event. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2019. New Orleans, LA : 02/04/19-02/07/19.


Burd, A. B., Daly, K. L., Dissanayake, A. L., Francis, A., & Passow, U. (2018). A numerical model to simulate the interactions of marine snow and oil spilled in the ocean. In Ocean Sciences Meeting 2018. Portland, OR : 02/11/18-02/16/18.
Burd, A. B., Daly, K. L., Dissanayake, A. L., Francis, A., & Passow, U. (2018). The fractal dimension of marine aggregates: An overlooked parameter in determining particle interactions. In Ocean Sciences Meeting 2018. Portland, OR : 02/11/18-02/16/18.
Burd, A. B., Daly, K. L., Dissanayake, A. L., Francis, A., & Passow, U. (2018). The fractal dimension of marine snow aggregates: changing aggregate characteristics. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2018. New Orleans, LA : 02/05/18-02/08/18.
Daly, K. L., Jackson, G. A., Kramer, K., Remsen, A., Dave, P., & Scott, C. (2018). Abundance and characteristics of marine snow in the NE Gulf of Mexico: Impacts on sedimentation of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. In Ocean Sciences Meeting 2018. Portland, OR : 02/11/18-02/16/18.
Dissanayake, A. L., Burd, A., Daly, K. L., Francis, S., & Passow, U. (2018). Numerical modeling of the interactions of oil, marine snow, and rivering sediments in the ocean. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2018. New Orleans, LA : 02/05/18-02/08/18.
Francis, S., & Passow, U. (2018). Transport of dispersed oil to the seafloor by sinking phytoplankton aggregates: a modeling study. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2018. New Orleans, LA : 02/05/18-02/08/18.


Burd, A., Daly, K., Francis, S., & Passow, U. (2017). Mechanisms and Models of Aggregation and Sinking of Oil and Marine Particles. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2017. New Orleans, LA : 02/06/17-02/09/17.
Daly, K., Remsen, A., Kramer, K., Passow, U., Francis, S., Jackson, G., et al. (2017). The DWH Oil-Associated Marine Snow Sedimentation Event and Future Oil Spill Response. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2017. New Orleans, LA : 02/06/17-02/09/17.
Dissanayake, A., Burd, A., Daly, K., Francis, S., & Passow, U. (2017). Numerical Modeling of the Interactions Between Oil and Marine Snow. In International Oil Spill Conference 2017. Long Beach, CA : 05/15/17-05/18/17: Poster.
Francis, S., Burd, A., Daly, K., & Passow, U. (2017). An Aggregation model to Estimate Oil Removal Rate by Sinking Marine Snow: A Decision Support Tool. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2017. New Orleans, LA : 02/06/17-02/09/17.


Burd, A. B. (2016). A new mechanistic model of aggregation and particle export flux using multiple particle types. In Ocean Sciences Meeting 2016. New Orleans, LA : 02/21/16-02/26/16: Poster.
This research was made possible by a grant from The Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative.