Investigating the effect of oil spills
on the environment and public health.
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Funding Source: Year One Block Grant - The Alabama Marine Environmental Science Consortium

Project Publications & Presentations

Analysis of hydrocarbons (PAHS) in sediment samples

Journal Articles - 9


Hayworth, J. S., Clement, T., John, G. F., & Yin, F. (2015). Fate of Deepwater Horizon oil in Alabama's beach system: Understanding physical evolution processes based on observational data. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 90(1-2), 95–105.
Yin, F., Hayworth, J. S., Clement, T. P., & Meador, J. P. (2015). A Tale of Two Recent Spills--Comparison of 2014 Galveston Bay and 2010 Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Residues. PLoS ONE, 10(2), e0118098.
Yin, F., John, G. F., Hayworth, J. S., & Clement, T. P. (2015). Long-term monitoring data to describe the fate of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in Deepwater Horizon oil submerged off Alabama's beaches. Science of The Total Environment, 508, 46–56.


John, G. F., Yin, F., Mulabagal, V., Hayworth, J. S., & Clement, T. P. (2014). Development and application of an analytical method using gas chromatography/triple quadrupole mass spectrometry for characterizing alkylated chrysenes in crude oil samples: GC/MS/MS method for characterizing alkylated chrysenes in crude oil. Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom., 28(8), 948–956.
Zheng, M., Ahuja, M., Bhattacharya, D., Clement, T. P., Hayworth, J. S., & Dhanasekaran, M. (2014). Evaluation of differential cytotoxic effects of the oil spill dispersant Corexit 9500. Life Sciences, 95(2), 108–117.


Mulabagal, V., Yin, F., John, G. F., Hayworth, J. S., & Clement, T. P. (2013). Chemical fingerprinting of petroleum biomarkers in Deepwater Horizon oil spill samples collected from Alabama shoreline. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 70(1-2), 147–154.


Hayworth, J. S., & Clement, T. P. (2012). Provenance of Corexit-related chemical constituents found in nearshore and inland Gulf Coast waters. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 64(10), 2005–2014.


Hayworth, J. S., & Clement, T. P. (2011). BP's Operation Deep Clean-Could Dilution be the Solution to Beach Pollution? Environmental Science & Technology, 45(10), 4201–4202.
Hayworth, J. S., Clement, T. P., & Valentine, J. F. (2011). Deepwater Horizon oil spill impacts on Alabama beaches. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci, 15(12), 3617–3933.
This research was made possible by a grant from The Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative.