Investigating the effect of oil spills
on the environment and public health.
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Kenneth M. Brown

Louisiana State University

Department of Biological Sciences

202 Life Sciences Building
Baton Rouge, LA  70803  


Project List:

Coastal Waters Consortium (CWC)

Year 2-4 Consortia Grants (RFP-I)Role: Co-Principal Investigator, Task Co-Lead

Publications & Presentations:

Journal Article - 1


Hooper-Bui, L. M., Rabalais, N. N., Engel, A. S., Turner, R. E., McClenachan, G., Roberts, B., et al. (2014). Overview of Research into the Coastal Effects of the Macondo Blowout from the Coastal Waters Consortium: A GoMRI Consortium. International Oil Spill Conference Proceedings, 2014(1), 604–617.

Conference Presentations - 6


Rabalais, N. N., Able, K. W., Bernhard, A. E., Brown, K. M., Crandall, K. A., Engel, A. S., et al. (2015). CWC-I Plenary Presentation. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2015. Houston, TX : 02/16/15-02/19/15.


Kay, J. L., & Brown, K. M. (2013). Oyster reef commensal community colonization response to acute hydrocarbon contamination. In 22nd Biennial Conference of the Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation. San Diego, CA, November 3 - 7, 2013.
Kay, J. L., Brown, K. M., & Vozzo, M. L. (2013). Impact of BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill on oyster reef commensal communities in Barataria Bay, LA. In Benthic Ecology Annual Meeting 2013. Savannah, GA : 03/20/13-03/23/13: Poster.
Kay, J. L., Brown, K. M., & Vozzo, M. L. (2013). Impact of BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill on oyster reef commensal communities in Barataria Bay, LA. In GCRL Marine and Estuarine Gradate Student Symposium. Ocean Springs, MS April 5-7, 2013: Poster.
Vozzo, M. L., Kay, J. L., & Brown, K. M. (2013). Long term effects of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill on oyster recruitment in Barataria Bay, LA. In Benthic Ecology Annual Meeting 2013. Savannah, GA : 03/20/13-03/23/13: Poster.
Vozzo, M. L., La Peyre, J., & Brown, K. M. (2013). Oyster spat response to hydrocarbon contamination following the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in Barataria Bay, Louisiana. In 22nd Biennial Conference of the Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation. San Diego, CA, November 3 - 7, 2013.