Investigating the effect of oil spills
on the environment and public health.
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Agnes Kagiri

University of California Merced

School of Engineering

5200 N. Lake Road
Science & Engineering 2, Suite 315
Merced, CA  95343  


Project List:

Aggregation and Degradation of Dispersants and Oil by Microbial Exopolymers 2 (ADDOMEx-2): Towards a synthesis of process and pathways of marine oil snow formation

Year 8-10 Research Grants (RFP-VI)Role: Undergraduate Student

Aggregation and Degradation of Dispersants and Oil by Microbial Exopolymers (ADDOMEx)

Year 5-7 Consortia Grants (RFP-IV)Role: Undergraduate Student

Publications & Presentations:

Journal Articles - 2


Shiu, R. - F., Chiu, M. - H., Vazquez, C. I., Tsai, Y. - Y., Le, A., Kagiri, A., et al. (2020). Protein to carbohydrate (P/C) ratio changes in microbial extracellular polymeric substances induced by oil and Corexit. Marine Chemistry, 223, 103789.


Chiu, M. - H., Vazquez, C. I., Shiu, R. - F., Le, C., Sanchez, N. R., Kagiri, A., et al. (2019). Impact of exposure of crude oil and dispersant (Corexit) on aggregation of extracellular polymeric substances. Science of The Total Environment, 657, 1535–1542.

Conference Presentation - 1


Chiu, M., -H., Goshia, T., Tsai, S. - M., Le, A. D., Kagiri, A., Ramos, J., et al. (2018). Corexit and Oil Can Alter Aggregation of Extracellular Polymeric Substances . In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2018. New Orleans, LA : 02/05/18-02/08/18: Poster.