Journal Articles - 6 |
2020 |
Ackleh, A. S., Hossain, M. I., Veprauskas, A., & Zhang, A. (2020). Long-term dynamics of discrete – time predator-prey models:?stability of equilibria, cycles and chaos. Journal of Difference Equations and Applications, 26(5), 693–726.
2019 |
Ackleh, A. S., Caswell, H., Chiquet, R. A., Tang, T., & Veprauskas, A. (2019). Sensitivity analysis of the recovery time for a population under the impact of an environmental disturbance. Natural Resource Modeling, 32(1), e12166.
Ackleh, A. S., Hossain, M. I., Veprauskas, A., & Zhang, A. (2019). Persistence and stability analysis of discrete-time predator-prey models: a study of population and evolutionary dynamics. Journal of Difference Equations and Applications, 25(11), 1568–1603.
2018 |
Veprauskas, A., Ackleh, A. S., Banks, J. E., & Stark, J. D. (2018). The evolution of toxicant resistance in daphniids and its role on surrogate species. Theoretical Population Biology, 119, 15–25.
Veprauskas, A., Ackleh, A. S., & Tang, T. (2018). Examining the effect of reoccurring disturbances on population persistence with application to marine mammals. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 455, 109–117.
2017 |
Ackleh, A. S., Chiquet, R. A., Ma, B., Tang, T., Caswell, H., Veprauskas, A., et al. (2017). Analysis of lethal and sublethal impacts of environmental disasters on sperm whales using stochastic modeling. Ecotoxicology, , 1–11.
Book Chapter - 1 |
2020 |
Ackleh, A. S., Hossain, M. I., Veprauskas, A., & Zhang, A. (2020). Persistence of a Discrete-Time Predator-Prey Model with Stage-Structure in the Predator. In ICDEA 2019: Progress on Difference Equations and Discrete Dynamical Systems (Vol. 341, pp. 145–163). Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, (Eco Impacts/Modeling). Springer International.
Conference Presentations - 21 |
2020 |
Ackleh, A. S., Hossain, M. I., Veprauskas, A., & Zhang, A. (2020). A discrete-time predator-prey model: the long-term dynamics with and without evolution to resist a toxicant. In Joint Mathematics Meetings. Denver, CO : 01/15/20-01/18/20.
Ackleh, A. S., Hossain, M. I., Veprauskas, A., & Zhang, A. (2020). Persistence of a discrete-time predator-prey model with stage-structure in the predator. In Joint Mathematics Meetings. Denver, CO : 01/15/20-01/18/20.
Ackleh, A. S., Hossain, M. I., Veprauskas, A., & Zhang, A. (2020). Prey Evolution of Toxicant Resistance Enables Survival of a Stage-Structured Predator. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2020. Tampa, FL : 02/03/20-02/06/20.
2019 |
Ackleh, A. S., Hossain, M. I., Veprauskas, A., & Zhang, A. (2019). Persistence and Local Stability of Discrete-Time Predator-Prey Systems. In AMS Spring Southeastern Sectional Meeting. Auburn, AL : 03/15/19-03/17/19.
Ackleh, A. S., Hossain, M. I., Veprauskas, A., & Zhang, A. (2019). The Effect of Prey Evolution to Develop Toxicant Resistance on Predator-Prey Dynamics. In 25th International Conference on Difference Equations and Applications. London, UK : 06/24/19-08/29/19.
Ackleh, A. S., Hossain, M. I., Veprauskas, A., & Zhang, A. (2019). The Effect of Prey Evolution to Develop Toxicant Resistance on Predator-Prey Dynamics. In The 25th International Conference on Difference Equations and Applications. London, UK : 06/24/19-06/28/19.
Ackleh, A. S., Hossain, M. I., Veprauskas, A., & Zhang, A. (2019). Evolutionary Responses to a disturbance in a predator-prey system. In 2019 Annual SMB Meeting. Montreal, Canada : 07/22/19-07/27/19.
Ackleh, A. S., Hossain, M. I., Veprauskas, A., & Zhang, A. (2019). Long-term dynamics of discrete-time predator-prey models: Stability of equilibria, cycles, and chaos. In American Mathematical Society Fall Southeastern Sectional Meeting. Gainesville, FL : 11/02/19-11/03/19.
Hossain, M. I., Ackleh, A. S., & Veprauskas, A. (2019). The effect of prey evolution in predator-prey dynamics. In 2019 Joint Mathematics Meetings. Baltimore, MD : 01/16/19-01/19/19.
2018 |
Ackleh, A. S., Hossain, M. I., & Veprauskas, A. (2018). The Effect of Toxicant Resistance Evolution in the Prey Population on the Dynamics of a Predator-Prey System. In 2018 American Mathematical Society Fall Western Sectional Meeting. San Francisco, CA : 10/27/18-10/28/18.
Ackleh, A. S., Hossain, M. I., & Veprauskas, M. (2018). Impacts of Prey Evolution on Predator-Prey Dynamics. In University of Louisiana at Lafayette 18th Annual Biology Graduate Research Symposium. Lafayette, LA : 10/12/18-10/12/18.
Ackleh, A. S., & Veprauskas, A. (2018). Examining the effect of evolution in response to a disturbance on population dynamics. In Spring Southeastern Sectional Meeting of the American Mathematical Society. Nashville, TN : 04/14/18-04/15/18.
Ackleh, A. S., Veprauskas, A., & Banks, J., Stark, J. (2018). Changes in Population Outcomes Resulting from Evolutionary Responses to a Disturbance. In 2018 Joint Mathematics Meetings. San Diego, CA : 01/10/18-01/13/18.
Ackleh, A. S., Veprauskas, A., Banks, J., & Stark, J. (2018). Examining the Effect of Evolution in Response to a Disturbance on Population Dynamics. In American Mathematical Society Spring Southeastern Sectional Meeting. Nashville, TN : 04/14/18-04/15/18.
Veprauskas, A., Ackleh, A. S., & Tang, T. (2018). Assessing the effect of environmental disturbances on population recovery and persistence with application to marine mammals. In 2018 Joint Mathematics Meetings. San Diego, CA : 01/10/18-01/13/18.
Veprauskas, A., Ackleh, A. S., & Tang, T. (2018). Examining the Effect of Multiple Disturbances on Population Persistence with Application to Marine Mammals. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2018. New Orleans, LA : 02/05/18-02/08/18.
2017 |
Ackleh, A., Sidorovskaia, N. A., Tang, T., Chiquet, R. A., Veprauskas, A., Caswell, H., et al. (2017). Combining Acoustic Data and Statistical Modeling to Understand Marine Mammal Population Dynamics and Abundance. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2017. New Orleans, LA : 02/06/17-02/09/17.
Ackleh, A. S., Chiquet, R., Tang, T., Veprauskas, A., Caswell, H., & Ma, B. (2017). Modeling as a complementary tool to acoustic data for understanding the impact of environmental disasters on marine mammals. In 174th meeting of the Acoustical Society of America. New Orleans, LA : 12/04/17-12/08/17.
Ackleh, A. S., Chiquet, R. A., Ma, B., Tang, T., Caswell, H., Veprauskas, A., et al. (2017). Analysis of Lethal and Sublethal Impacts of Environmental Disasters on Sperm Whales Using Stochastic Modeling. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2017. New Orleans, LA : 02/06/17-02/09/17.
Ackleh, A. S., Chiquet, R. A., Ma, B., Tang, T., Caswell, H., Veprauskas, A., et al. (2017). Analysis of Lethal and Sublethal Impacts of Environmental Disasters on Sperm Whales Using Stochastic Modeling. In 2017 Joint Mathematics Meetings. Atlanta, GA : 01/04/17-01/07/17.
Ackleh, A. S., Chiquet, R. A., Ma, B., Tang, T., Caswell, H., Veprauskas, A., et al. (2017). Combining Acoustic Data and Statistical Modeling to Understand Marine Mammal Population Dynamics and Abundance. In 42nd IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing. New Orleans, LA : 03/05/17-03/09/17.