Journal Articles - 7 |
2020 |
Panchal, A., Rahman, N., Konnova, S., Fakhrullin, R., Zhang, D., Blake, D., et al. (2020). Clay Nanotube Liquid Marbles Enhanced with Inner Biofilm Formation for the Encapsulation and Storage of Bacteria at Room Temperature. ACS Appl. Nano Mater., 3(2), 1263?1271.
2019 |
Farinmade, A., Ojo, O. F., Trout, J., He, J., John, V., Blake, D. A., et al. (2019). Targeted and Stimulus-Responsive Delivery of Surfactant to the Oil-Water Interface for Applications in Oil Spill Remediation. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 12(1), 1840–1849.
Ojo, O. F., Farinmade, A., Trout, J., Omarova, M., He, J., John, V., et al. (2019). Stoppers and Skins on Clay Nanotubes Help Stabilize Oil-in-Water Emulsions and Modulate the Release of Encapsulated Surfactants. ACS Appl. Nano Mater., 2(6), 3490–3500.
Yu, T., Swientoniewski, L. T., Omarova, M., Li, M. - C., Negulescu, I. I., Jiang, N., et al. (2019). Investigation of Amphiphilic Polypeptoid-Functionalized Halloysite Nanotubes as Emulsion Stabilizer for Oil Spill Remediation. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 11(31), 27944–27953.
2018 |
Omarova, M., Swientoniewski, L. T., Tsengam, I. K. M., Panchal, A., Yu, T., Blake, D. A., et al. (2018). Engineered Clays as Sustainable Oil Dispersants in the Presence of Model Hydrocarbon Degrading Bacteria: The Role of Bacterial Sequestration and Biofilm Formation. ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng., 6(11), 14143–14153.
Panchal, A., Swientoniewski, L. T., Omarova, M., Yu, T., Zhang, D., Blake, D. A., et al. (2018). Bacterial proliferation on clay nanotube Pickering emulsions for oil spill bioremediation. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 164, 27–33.
2017 |
von Klitzing, R., Stehl, D., Pogrzeba, T., Schomäcker, R., Minullina, R., Panchal, A., et al. (2017). Halloysites Stabilized Emulsions for Hydroformylation of Long Chain Olefins. Adv. Mater. Interfaces, 4(1), 1600435.
Conference Presentations - 20 |
2019 |
Ojo, O., Farinmade, A., Omarova, M., John, V., Lvov, Y., Nguyen, D., et al. (2019). Stoppers and Skins on clay nanotubes help stabilize oil-in-water emulsions and modulate the release of encapsulated surfactants. In 93rd ACS Colloid & Surface Science Symposium. Atlanta, GA : 06/16/19-06/19/19.
Omarova, M., Tsengam, I., Swientoniewski, L., Panchal, A., Yu, T., Lvov, Y., et al. (2019). A nanoscale understanding of MOSSFA events at the oil-water interface. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2019. New Orleans, LA : 02/04/19-02/07/19: Poster.
Panchal, A., Tsengam, I., Swientoniewski, L., Omarova, M., Yu, T., Lvov, Y., et al. (2019). Converting Halloysite clay Pickering microdroplets into liquid marbles for synergistic oil spill remediation with delivery of encapsulated bacteria. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2019. New Orleans, LA : 02/04/19-02/07/19: Poster.
Swientoniewski, L., Blake, D., Omarova, M., Panchal, A., Yu, T., Tsengam, I., et al. (2019). In situ spectroscopy of Cycloclasticus pugetti to monitor degradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2019. New Orleans, LA : 02/04/19-02/07/19: Poster.
Swientoniewski, L., Blake, R. C., Omarova, M., Panchal, A., Yu, T., Zhang, D., et al. (2019). Cycloclasticus pugetii Produces novel colored spectral intermediates when intact bacterium are exposed to different polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. In ASM Microbe 2019. San Francisco, CA : 06/20/19-06/24/19.
2018 |
Panchal, A., Swientoniewski, L., Omarova, M., Yu, T., John, V., Zhang, D., et al. (2018). Bacterial proliferation on clay nanotube Pickering emulsions for oil spill bioremediation. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2018. New Orleans, LA : 02/05/18-02/08/18.
Panchal, A., Swientoniewski, L., Omarova, M., Yu, T., John, V., Zhang, D., et al. (2018). Clay nanotube-bacteria liquid marbles for oil spill remediation. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2018. New Orleans, LA : 02/05/18-02/08/18.
Swientoniewski, L., Panchal, A., Omarova, M., Tsengam, I., Yu, T., John, V., et al. (2018). Exopolymer produced in the marine environment enhances the stability of oil in water emulsions under saline conditions. In 255th ACS National Meeting & Exposition. New Orleans, LA : 03/18/18-03/22/18.
Swientoniewski, L., Panchal, A., Omarova, M., Tsengam, I., Yu, T., John, V., et al. (2018). Time Evolution of Surface Oil Layers and Surfactant Stabilized Droplets â?? Bacterial Colonization, Biofilm Generation and Biodegradation. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2018. New Orleans, LA : 02/05/18-02/08/18.
Swientoniewski, L., Panchal, A., Omarova, M., Yu, T., John, V., Zhang, D., et al. (2018). Aluminosilicate microstructured dispersants stimulate proliferation of ubiquitous marine bacteria and production of biosurfactant. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2018. New Orleans, LA : 02/05/18-02/08/18.
Swientoniewski, L., Panchal, A., Omarova, M., Yu, T., John, V., Zhang, D., et al. (2018). Bacterial proliferation on clay nanotube Pickering emulsions for oil spill bioremediation. In 255th ACS National Meeting & Exposition. New Orleans, LA : 03/18/18-03/22/18.
Swientoniewski, L., Panchal, A., Omarova, M., Yu, T., John, V., Zhang, D., et al. (2018). Clay based microstructures as alternatives to chemical dispersants in bioremediation of crude oil: Studies with model marine organisms. In 255th ACS National Meeting & Exposition. New Orleans, LA : 03/18/18-03/22/18.
Swientoniewski, L., Panchal, A., Omarova, M., Yu, T., John, V., Zhang, D., et al. (2018). Flat-sheet clays sequester oil-degrading bacteria and stabilize oil dispersions providing insights on marine snow and oil-mineral aggregates. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2018. New Orleans, LA : 02/05/18-02/08/18.
Swientoniewski, L., Panchal, A., Omarova, M., Yu, T., John, V., Zhang, D., et al. (2018). Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon degradation by cycloclasticus, as measured by a novel immunoassay, correlates with increased cell proliferation. In 255th ACS National Meeting & Exposition. New Orleans, LA : 03/18/18-03/22/18.
Swientoniewski, L., Panchal, A., Omarova, M., Yu, T., John, V., Zhang, D., et al. (2018). Synthesis and investigation of amphiphile polypeptoid functionalized halloysite nanotubes as stabilizer towards oil spill remediation. In 255th ACS National Meeting & Exposition. New Orleans, LA : 03/18/18-03/22/18.
Zhang, S., Swientoniewski, L., Panchal, A., Omarova, M., Tsengam, I., Yu, T., et al. (2018). Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Degradation by Marine Bacteria. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2018. New Orleans, LA : 02/05/18-02/08/18.
2017 |
Lvov, Y., Panchal, A., Minullina, R., Zhang, D., Blake, D., Omarova, M., et al. (2017). Natural clay nanotubes for emulsification and bioremediation of spilled crude oil. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2017. New Orleans, LA : 02/06/17-02/09/17: Poster.
Omarova, M., Swientoniewski, L., Blake, D., Lvov, Y., Zhang, D., & John, V. (2017). Modulating the fate of oil in near-shore environments. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2017. New Orleans, LA : 02/06/17-02/09/17.
Omarova, M., Swientoniewski, L., Yu, T., Panchal, A., Lvov, Y., Blake, D., et al. (2017). The Role of Bacterial Biofilm in Particle-Stabilized Oil-in-Water Emulsions: Implications to the Biodegradation of Oil Spills. In 2017 AIChE Annual Meeting. Minneapolis, MN : 10/29/17-11/03/17.
2016 |
Minullina, R., Panchal, A., & Lvov, Y. (2016). Oil spill remediation through halloysite Pickering emulsion with enhanced bacterial decomposition. In 251th American Chemical Society National Meeting. San Diego, CA : 03/13/16-03/17/16: Poster.