Journal Article - 1 |
2019 |
Petrun Sayers, E. L., Parker, A. M., Ramchand, R., Finucane, M. L., Parks, V., & Seelam, R. (2019). Reaching Vulnerable Populations in the Disaster Prone U.S. Gulf Coast: Communicating Across the Crisis Lifecycle. JEM, 17(4), 271–284.
Book Whole - 1 |
2020 |
Finucane, M. L., Clark-Ginsberg, A., Parker, A. M., Becerra-Ornelas, A. U., Clancy, N., Ramchand, R., et al. (2020). Building Community Resilience to Large Oil Spills: Findings and Recommendations from a Synthesis of Research on the Mental Health, Economic, and Community Distress Associated with the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation.
Conference Presentations - 3 |
2020 |
Petrun-Sayers, E. L., Parker, A. M., Seelam, R., & Finucane, M. L. (2020). How Disasters Drive Media Channel Preferences: Tracing News Consumption Before, During, and After Hurricane Harvey. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2020. Tampa, FL : 02/03/20-02/06/20.
2018 |
Petrun Sayers, E. L., Parker, A. M., Ramchand, R., Finucane, M., Parks, V. A., & Seelam, R. (2018). Reaching vulnerable populations and building trust: Crisis communication in the Gulf of Mexico. In International Crisis and Risk Communication Conference. Orlando, FL : 03/13/17-03/15/17.
2017 |
Petrun Sayers, E. L. (2017). In Media We Trust?: Reaching Special Populations in the Gulf of Mexico. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2017. New Orleans, LA : 02/06/17-02/09/17.