Investigating the effect of oil spills
on the environment and public health.
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Angie Hoover

University of Southern Mississippi

Division of Coastal Sciences, School of Ocean Science and Technology

Gulf Coast Research Laboratory
703 East Beach Drive
Ocean Springs, MS  39564  


Project List:

Consortium for Oil Spill Exposure Pathways in Coastal River-Dominated Ecosystems (CONCORDE)

Year 5-7 Consortia Grants (RFP-IV)Role: GoMRI Scholar, Undergraduate Student, Graduate Student - Master's Level

Publications & Presentations:

Journal Articles - 2


Hoover, A. M., Chiaverano, L., Deary, A. L., & Hernandez, F. (2022). Variation in larval Gulf Menhaden diet, growth and condition during an atypical winter freshwater-discharge event in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 265(5).


Parra, S. M., Sanial, V., Boyette, A. D., Cambazoglu, M. K., Soto, I. M., Greer, A. T., et al. (2020). Bonnet Carre Spillway freshwater transport and corresponding biochemical properties in the Mississippi Bight. Continental Shelf Research, 199, 104114.

Conference Presentations - 9


Greer, A. T., Boyette, A. D., Cruz, J. V., Cambazoglu, M. K., Pan, C., Hoover, A., et al. (2018). Distribution of larval fishes, gelatinous zooplankton, and prey in the vicinity of a convergence-induced thin layer in the northern Gulf of Mexico. In 42nd Annual Larval Fish Conference. Victoria, Canada : 06/24/18-06/28/18.
Hoover, A., Briseno-Avena, C., Chiaverano, L., Deary, A., & Hernandez, F. (2018). Larval Gulf Menhaden (Brevoortia patronus) diet, growth and condition during an anomalous high freshwater discharge event. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2018. New Orleans, LA : 02/05/18-02/08/18: Poster.


Hoover, A., Deary, A., & Hernandez, F. (2017). Spatial variation in zooplankton and ichthyoplankton dynamics during an atypical freshwater discharge event in the northern Gulf of Mexico. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2017. New Orleans, LA : 02/06/17-02/09/17.
Hoover, A. M., Chiaverano, L., Deary, A. L., & Hernandez, F. J. (2017). Spatial variation in larval Gulf Menhaden (Brevoortia patronus) growth and condition during a high freshwater discharge event. In 41st Annual Larval Fish Conference. Austin, TX : 07/12/17-07/16/17.


Deary, A. L., Hoover, A. M., Dzwonkowski, B., Box, H., Soto Ramos, I., Shiller, A., et al. (2016). CONCORDE- Hydrographic characterization of a river plume in the northern Gulf of Mexico during an anomalous winter discharge event. In Annual Larval Fish Conference – Early Life History. Solomons, MD : 06/19/16-06/23/16: Poster.
Deary, A. L., Hoover, A. M., Hernandez, F. J., Cowen, R. K., Church, I., Krause, J. W., et al. (2016). CONCORDE: Preliminary distribution of plankton along three sampling corridors in the Northern Gulf of Mexico. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2016. Tampa, FL : 02/01/16-02/04/16: Poster.
Hernandez, F. J., Cowen, R. K., Church, I., Krause, J. W., Deary, A. L., Greer, A. T., et al. (2016). CONCORDE: Environmental Observations and Planktonic Processes. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2016. Tampa, FL : 02/01/16-02/04/16: Poster.
Hoover, A. M., Deary, A. L., Dzwonkowski, B., Box, H., Soto Ramos, I., Shiller, A., et al. (2016). CONCORDE- Assessment of larval fish diet and condition during an atypical winter freshwater-discharge event in the northern Gulf of Mexico. In Annual Larval Fish Conference – Early Life History. Solomons, MD : 06/19/16-06/23/16: Poster.
Hoover, A. M., Deary, A. L., & Hernandez, F. J. (2016). Does variable river discharge impact larval fish condition:an examination of planktonic food webs in the northern Gulf of Mexico. In USM 2016 Graduate Student Symposium. Ocean Springs, MS : 03/04/16-03/06/16: Poster.