Investigating the effect of oil spills
on the environment and public health.
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Brian Barnes

University of South Florida

College of Marine Science

140 7th Ave South
St. Petersburg , FL  33701  


Project List:

Center for the Integrated Modeling and Analysis of Gulf Ecosystems II (C-IMAGE II)

Year 5-7 Consortia Grants (RFP-IV)Role: Post-Doc

Publications & Presentations:

Conference Presentations - 2


Wang, M., Hu, C., Barnes, B. B., Zapfe, G., Hernandez, F., & Laponite, B. (2020). Interannual variability of Sargassum in the Gulf of Mexico and the driving forces. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2020. Tampa, FL : 02/03/20-02/06/20.


Hu, C., Barnes, B., Murch, B., Carlson, P., Corcoran, A., Weisberg, R., et al. (2016). Integrating Multi-Source Biophysical Data through a Virtual Antenna System. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2016. Tampa, FL : 02/01/16-02/04/16.