Journal Articles - 2 |
2020 |
Axler, K. E., Sponaugle, S., Hernandez, F., Culpepper, C., & Cowen, R. K. (2020). Consequences of plume encounter on larval fish growth and condition in the Gulf of Mexico. Marine ecology.Progress series, 650, 63–80.
2019 |
Parra, S. M., Greer, A. T., Book, J. W., Deary, A. L., Soto, I. M., Culpepper, C., et al. (2019). Acoustic detection of zooplankton diel vertical migration behaviors on the northern Gulf of Mexico shelf. Limnol Oceanogr, 64(5), 2092–2113.
Conference Presentations - 9 |
2018 |
Greer, A. T., Boyette, A. D., Cruz, J. V., Cambazoglu, M. K., Pan, C., Hoover, A., et al. (2018). Distribution of larval fishes, gelatinous zooplankton, and prey in the vicinity of a convergence-induced thin layer in the northern Gulf of Mexico. In 42nd Annual Larval Fish Conference. Victoria, Canada : 06/24/18-06/28/18.
2017 |
Fitzpatrick, P., Kastler, J., Hernandez, F., Culpepper, C., & Bright, C. (2017). The CONsortium for oil spill exposure pathways in COastal River-Dominated Ecosystems (CONCORDE). In Mississippi Academy of Sciences 81st Annual Meeting. Hattiesburg, MS : 02/23/17-02/24/17.
2016 |
Graham, M., Shiller, A., Wiggert, J., Hernandez, F., Howden, S., Martin, K., et al. (2016). The CONsortium for oil spill exposure pathways in COastal River-Dominated Ecosystems (CONCORDE) --- Year one activities and results. In 14th Symposium on the Coastal Environment Meeting Title, 96th American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting. New Orleans, LA : 01/11/16-01/14/16.
2015 |
Hernandez, F. J., Jr., Filbrun, J., Ransom, J., Fang, J., & Culpepper, C. (2015). Taxon-specific variability in condition among larval fishes collected before, during, and after the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2015. Houston, TX : 02/16/15-02/19/15.
2014 |
Filbrun, J. E., Ransom, J. T., Culpepper, C. S., & Hernandez, F. J. (2014). Investigating Deepwater Horizon oil spill impacts on foraging and growth of larval Atlantic Bumper. In Larval Fish Conference & American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting – 2014. Quebec City, Quebec, Canada : 08/17/14-08/21/14: Poster.
Hernandez, F., Carassou, L., Filbrun, J., Ransom, J., Graham, W., Culpepper, C., et al. (2014). Variable response of natural zooplankton and ichthyoplankton assemblages to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. In Bays and Bayous Symposium. Mobile, AL : 12/02/2014-12/03/2014.
Ransom, J., Filbrun, J., Culpepper, C., & Hernandez, F. (2014). Diet, growth, and condition of larval Spanish Mackerel in the Northern Gulf of Mexico: an assessment of Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill impacts. In Bays and Bayous Symposium. Mobile, AL : 12/02/2014-12/03/2014.
Ransom, J. T., Filbrun, J. E., Culpepper, C. S., & Hernandez, F. J. (2014). Effects of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill on diets, growth, and condition of larval Spanish mackerel (Scomberomorus maculatus) in the northern Gulf of Mexico. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2014. Mobile, AL: 01/26/14-01/30/14: Poster.
Ransom, J. T., Filbrun, J. E., Culpepper, C. S., & Hernandez, F. J. (2014). Exploring the effects of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill on diet, growth, and condition of larval Spanish Mackerel in the northern Gulf of Mexico. In Larval Fish Conference & American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting – 2014. Quebec City, Quebec, Canada : 08/17/14-08/21/14.