Journal Articles - 4 |
2018 |
Mo, Y., Kearney, M. S., Riter, J. C. A., Zhao, F., & Tilley, D. R. (2018). Assessing biomass of diverse coastal marsh ecosystems using statistical and machine learning models. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 68, 189–201.
2017 |
Mo, Y., Kearney, M., & Momen, B. (2017). Drought-associated phenological changes of coastal marshes in Louisiana. Ecosphere, 8(5), e01811.
Mo, Y., Kearney, M. S., & Riter, C. (2017). Post-Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Monitoring of Louisiana Salt Marshes Using Landsat Imagery. Remote Sensing, 9(6), 547.
2015 |
Mo, Y., Momen, B., & Kearney, M. S. (2015). Quantifying moderate resolution remote sensing phenology of Louisiana coastal marshes. Ecological Modelling, 312, 191–199.
Conference Presentations - 11 |
2019 |
Turner, R. E., Layne, M., Mo, Y., & Swenson, E. (2019). Mississippi River diversions: engine of land gain or land loss accelerant? In 25th Biennial CERF Conference. Mobile, AL : 11/03/19-11/07/19.
2017 |
Mo, Y. (2017). Climate feedbacks from coastal marshes. In 2017 AGU Fall Meeting. New Orleans, LA : 12/11/17-12/15/17.
Mo, Y., & Kearney, M. S. (2017). Monitoring coastal marshes biomass with CASI: A comparison of parametric and non-parametric models. In 2017 AGU Fall Meeting. New Orleans, LA : 12/11/17-12/15/17: Poster.
Mo, Y., Kearney, M. S., & Riter, J. C. A. (2017). Assessing the long-term effects of Macondo oil spill on salt marshes using spaceborne multispectral and airborne hyperspectral remote sensing. In Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference 2017. New Orleans, LA : 02/06/17-02/09/17.
2016 |
Mo, Y., Kearney, M. S., & Riter, J. C. A. (2016). Monitoring Phenology of Coastal Marshes in Louisiana using the Landsat Archive. In 2016 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. San Francisco, CA : 12/12/16-12/16/16: Poster.
2015 |
Mo, Y., Kearney, M. S., Momen, B., & Riter, J. C. A. (2015). Correlating peak NDVI of salt marshes with environmental conditions in Louisiana, USA, using principal component analysis. In International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. Milan, Italy : 07/26/15-07/31/15.
Mo, Y., Kearney, M. S., & Riter, J. (2015). Phenological impacts of Hurricane Katrina (2005) and Gustav (2008) on Louisiana coastal marshes. In 2015 AGU Fall Meeting. San Francisco, CA : 12/12/15-12/16/15: Poster.
Mo, Y., Kearney, M. S., & Riter, J. C. A. (2015). Evaluating Impacts of the 2010 Macondo Oil Spill on Louisiana Coastal Marshes Using Landsat Data. In Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting. Baltimore, MD : 08/09/15-08/14/15.
Mo, Y., Kearney, M. S., & Riter, J. C. A. (2015). Evaluating Impacts of Katrina on Louisiana Coastal Marshes Phenology Using Landsat Data. In Society of Wetland Scientists Annual Meeting. Providence, RI : 05/30/15-06/04/15.
Riter, J., Kearney, M. S., & Mo, Y. (2015). Landsat-detected impact of the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill on southeastern Louisiana marshes. In 2015 Geological Society of America Annual Meeting. Baltimore, MD : 11/01/15-11/04/15.